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∀ 4 12 ∀ 2003 5 19 5 J Pract Radiol, May 2003, Vol 19, No. 5 卢成哲, 宦 怡, 葛雅丽, 赵海涛, 张劲松, 杨春敏, 李 科, 魏梦琦 ( , 710032) : 40 T WI ( T WI/ 3D/ TSE) , T WI/ 3D/ TSE 2 2 2 ( B- TFE) 12 40 12 15 MRI , 1 1 Michel 1 2 Mo di i ; 4 8 6 4 T WI/ 3D/ TSE B- TFE 2 ; : ; ; ; : R764. 35; R445. 2 :A : 1002- 1671(2003) 05- 04 12- 04 MRI Diagnosis of Cochlear Nerveand Vestibular Nerve Lesion L U Cheng - z he, H UA N Yi , GE Ya- li, ZHA O H ai- tao , ZHA N G Jin - song , YA N G Chun- min , LI Ke, WEI M eng - qi D ep ar tment of Radiology , X ij ing H osp ital , Four th M ilitary Medical University , X i an 710032, China) Abstract:Objective To probe i to t he value of cli ical applicatio of mag etic reso a ce imagi g ( MRI) sca i g tech ique i t he di ag ose of cochlear erve a d vestibular erve lesio .Methods The sca i g of temporal bo e was carried out with T WI/ 3D/ TSE i 40 2 cases suspected for cochlear erve a d vestibular erve lesio a d the bilateral i cli ed sagittal MRI sca i g was performed w ith T WI/ 2 3D/ TSE or B- T FE seque ce . The co trast e ha ced sca s were performed i 12 cases. Results The fi e a atomic structure of cochlear erve a d vestibular erve lesio was clearly show i 40 cases a d the cochlear erve a d vestibular erve lesio w as fou d i 15 ears i 12 cases, of which we fou d the sig al deficie cy of cochlear erve a d vestibular erve i o e ear i o e case of Michel malformatio a d two ears i o e case Mo di i malformatio a d cochlear erve atrophy i 8 ears i 4 cases of the acquired se sori eural heari g loss a d i 4 ears



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