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单位代码 01 学 号 分 类 号 TP393 密 级 毕业设计说明书 基于JSP的房产中介管理系统的设计与实现 院(系)名称 信息工程学院 专业名称 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 指导教师 2015 年 5 月 2 日 基于JSP的房产中介系统的设计与实现 摘要 随着国家经济地快速增长以及城镇化步伐地加快,房地产也成为了如日中天的产业。在琳琅满目的房源信息中,客户需要花费大量的时间才能找到自己所需的资源。为了帮助客户找到合适的房源,有必要建立一个基于网络的房地产中介平台。本文结合目前中国城市房产管理的实际情况和现阶段房屋产业的供求关系提出并设计了一个基于JSP的房产中介系统。 本文首先对本课题涉及的关键性技术进行了介绍,然后结合用户实际需求情况,进行了需求分析,描述出了系统的总体功能;然后从全局的角度对房产中介系统进行总体设计;接下来进行系统的详细实施,分别从前台和后台进行详述,重点讲解了房屋信息管理模块、房屋信息发布管理模块、用户留言模块等的实现并展示了界面。 关键字:房地产中介平台,信息管理系统,JSP The Design and Realization of Real Estate Agency System Based on JSP Abstract With the national economy to rapid growth and urbanization accelerate the pace of land, real estate has become a flourishing industry. In an array of listings, customers need to spend a lot of time to find the resources they need. To help customers find suitable housing, it is necessary to establish a real estate agency based network platform. In this paper, the current supply and demand situation and stage housing industry in Chinas urban property management real estate agent is proposed and designed a system based on JSP. Firstly, this paper relates to key technologies were introduced, and then combined with the users actual demand, needs analysis, describe the overall function of the system; then, from the overall perspective of the real estate agent system overall design; the next system detailed implementation, respectively, from the foreground and background in detail, focus on explaining the House Information Management module, housing information release management module, the user message module, and shows the interface. Keywords: estate intermediary platform, information management system, JSP 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc418703626 1 引 言 PAGEREF _Toc418703626 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc418703627 1.1 课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc418703627 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc418703628 1.2 研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc418703628 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc418703629 1.3 发展现状 PAGEREF _Toc418703629 \h 2 HY


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