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* 基督教香港信義會圓融綜合服務中心 「恢復性道歉信」在香港「警司警誡計劃」的應用 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Integrated Service Centre for Reconciliation Application of “Restorative Apology Letter” (RAL) on the cautioned delinquent under the Police Superintendents Discretion Scheme (PSDS) in Hong Kong * 恢復性公義於香港的應用(Application of Restorative Justice ) 於1999年推行「受害者與犯事者和解會議」 Victim-Offender Mediation launched at 1999 警司警誡後和解會議 Post-cautioning Mediation 以「家庭小組會議」為基礎 Based on Family Group Conferencing 對象(target) 10至18歲以下被警司警誡青少年aged from 10 to 18 young offenders who are cautioned under PSDS 案件的受害者 crime victims 犯事者與受害者的支持者 supporter of victims and offenders * 短片 Video 「恢復性道歉信」真實個案分析 ( Real Case Sharing) 待續…… to be continue…… * 「恢復性道歉信」與「和解需要」Restorative Apology Letter Need of Mediation 「恢復性道歉信」是另一種實踐恢復性公義 RAL is one of the instruments to practice Restorative Justice 非直接形式的和解會議 a form of indirect mediation 以滿足一些「想和解而又未能和解」的需要 fulfills one’s needs that have no chance to mediate with the victims * 「恢復性道歉信」應用情況 The Application of RAL 時段 period:4/2009~3/2011 青少年犯事者數目 No. of young offender:168 道歉信數目 No. of RAL:171 犯案類別 crime nature: 盜竊及店舖盜竊 theft and shop theft:144 與暴力有關的案件 cases related to violence:27 例如:普通襲擊 e.g. common assault * 案件性質 Nature of offence from victim’s view 過於輕微或傷害較大 trivial matters 認為已得到基本的處理,但又期望了解事件發生的原因 the issue is basically resolved, but still want to understand the reason of happening 太過嚴重或複雜 serious and complicated matters 例如:性侵犯、嚴重暴力、欺凌行為 sex related offence, serious violence and bullying 縱使接受了治療,仍無法面對犯事者 cannot face the offenders even though after the treatment 使用「恢復性道歉信」的考慮 Factors to consider when adopting RAL * 2. 受害者的準備和心理狀況 The Psychological Readiness of victim 擔心再被害 worry about to be re-victimization 疑慮犯事者的誠意 doubt of offender’s sincerity 使用「恢復性道歉信」的考慮(續) Factors to consider when adopting RAL [con’t] * 3. 犯事者的準備和心理狀況 The Psychological Readiness of offenders 面對受害者會感到壓力及過度緊張 Feel st


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