
公共图书馆儿童阅读推广策略初探及经验分享 - 国立公共资讯图书馆.pdf

公共图书馆儿童阅读推广策略初探及经验分享 - 国立公共资讯图书馆.pdf

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公共图书馆儿童阅读推广策略初探及经验分享 - 国立公共资讯图书馆

公共圖書館兒童閱讀推廣策略初探及經驗分享 / 林秀滿、董秋蓉 公共圖書館兒童閱讀推廣 策略初探及經驗分享 The Strategies and Experiences of Children’s Reading Promotion 林秀滿 Hsiu-Man Lin 國立公共資訊圖書館助理輔導員 Assistant Counselor, National Library of Public Information 董秋蓉 Chiu-Rung Tung 國立公共資訊圖書館閱覽諮詢科專員 Executive Officer, National Library of Public Information 【摘要Abstract 】 公共圖書館向來積極經營兒童閱讀推廣服務,但數位時代環境下兒童的閱 讀習慣 產生變化,也影響公共圖書館推展兒童閱讀的策略。國立公共資訊圖書 館為臺灣第一所國立級數位 公共圖書館,除提供一般型態之兒童閱讀服務 ,也 規劃具有數位特色之閱讀服務,以吸引兒童參與,培養其閱讀興趣與能力。 本 文簡介國 立公共資訊圖書館兒童閱讀推廣現況及其成果,最後歸納提 出未來發 展建議 ,期望提供兒童更優質的閱讀服務。 Childrens reading programs always play an important role in public library services. However, the reading habits of children have been changed by digital technology in the decade. Many public libraries try to discover new reading programs to catch up this new wave. National Library of Public Information (NLPI) is a national digital library in Taiwan. NLPI not only offers traditional programs for children, but also designs new digital reading programs for children by using new technology. This paper introduces the current childrens reading programs of NLPI and the results of these efforts. By sharing these experiences, it is hoped that the public libraries can offer better services for children in the future. 關鍵字【 Keywords】 兒童閱讀、讀者服務、國立公共資訊圖書館 7-1 公共圖書館 第1 期 2015 年5 月 公共圖書館兒童閱讀推廣策略初探及經驗分享 / 林秀滿、董秋蓉 children reading program, reader services, National Library of Public Information 壹、前言 兒童閱讀是公共圖書館的核心工作之一,依據兒童年齡、需求等特性規劃 適切優質的閱讀活動,鼓勵兒童親近圖書資源,主動參與閱讀,進而激發其想 像 力與創造力,並提升學習成效,以上目標一直


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