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公平交易法上联合行为之研究-以行政院公平交易 - 育达机构典藏
Fair Trade Commission, Executive Yuan
Yuh-Chieh Han*
The purpose of Fair Trade Act is to establish a fair trading system by providing an open and free market to establish economic order. It protects and encourages renovation of business development and also the consumers interests by prohibiting businesses occupying a large share of the market from monopolizing and limiting market competition. Restraint of Trade is a specifically regulated by the Fair Trade Act. According to Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan, from 1992 to April, 2005, there were a total of one hundred and thirteen cases punished by restraint of trade. Since the Fair Trade Act was enacted about fifteen years ago, there have been great developments in laws and regulations, theories, and realization on restraint of trade.
This study aims at analyzing aspects of restraint of trade, as stipulated in the Fair Trade Act. Specifically ,it will address such questions as what is restraint of trade and should such acts be banned. What are its constituent conditions? What are its patterns and manifestations? What punishment should be imposed when violation occurs? To answer these questions, this study will explore how restraint of trade is enforced by the Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan, as illustrated by the case of China Petroleum Inc. and Formosa Petrochemical Corporation.
Keywords:restraint of trade, gentlemen’s agreement, concerted action.
韓 毓 傑*
摘 要
本文旨在針對公平交易法上聯合行為進行研究,亦即針對何謂聯合行為?是否絕對禁止?構成要件為何?行為態樣為何?違反規定之處罰為何?等加以研究,但以行政院公平交易委員會之實踐為中心,並藉中油與台塑石化寡占利益 民國 9日公處字第093102號中國石油股份有限公司及台塑石化股份有限公司等事業以事先、公開方式傳遞調價資訊之意思聯絡,形成同步、同幅調價行為,足以影響國內油品市場價格及供需機能,違反公平交易法第條第項聯合行為之禁制規定。處分自處分書送達次日起,應立即停止違法行為各處新臺幣萬元罰鍰。聯合行為,立法迄今已將屆15年,無論在法規範、學理、實踐上,對於「聯合行為」之規範,均有相當