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2010 12 14 6 463
[ ] 1009- 2 188( 20 10) 06- 0463- 03
徐婉, 王晶, 王树鹤, 尚丽新
( 北京军区总医院妇产科, 北京 100700)
[ ]
35, , 15, 20,
7, 2 11,
2124, 1, 3, 582. 9%
54. 3% 34. 3% 5 ( 53. 3% VS 20. 0% , P 0. 05); 25
, 66. 7% 26. 7% , 5% 0(P 0. 05)
, , ,
[ ] ; , ;
[ ] R737. 31 [] B
Feasibility Analysis of Surgical Intervention of IntestinalM etastases Orig inated from Ovarian Cancer
X U Wan, WAN G J ing, WANG Shu-he, SHANG L i-x in (D ep artm ent of Gyneco ogy and O b stetr ics, Genera
H osp ita of B e ij ing M i itary Comm and, B e ij ing 100700, Ch ina)
Abstract: Objective T o analyz th f asib ility of surgical int rv ntion and to valuat th r lationsh ip
b tw n proc dur and prognosis in tr atm n t of int stinal m tastas s originat d from advanc d ovarian canc r.
M ethods 35 w om n w ith int stinal m tastas s originat d from ovarian canc rw r r vi w d. A ll pati nts
w r p rform d cytor duction and int stinal surg ry, includ ing local in t stinal r s ction in 15 ( r s ction
group) and tum or stripp ing surg ry in 20 ( stripp ing group) . R gular ch m oth rapy w as adm in istrat d aft r
th op ration. R esults Postop rativ com p lications w r as follow s: 2 of p riton itis, 1 of int stinal fis-
tula and 1 of incis ion in f ction in r s ction group, 2 of incom p l t int stinal obstruction and 1 of incision
inf ction in stripp ing group. A ll pati nts w r follow d up m or than 24 m onths. Th 1, 3, 5-y ar su rvival
rat w as 82. 9% , 54. 3% and 34. 3% . Th 5-y ar survival rat of r s ction group w as obvious ly h igh r than
that of stripp ing group ( 53. 3% V S 20. 0% , P 0. 05) . Ov r 2 or 5 y ars follow-up, th r gr ssion rat
w as 66. 7% and 26. 7% r sp ctiv ly in r s ction group, and both w r sign ificantly h igh r than 5. 0% and 0%
r sp ctiv ly in stripp ing group