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? M Saetta * 1.症状: (1)慢性咳嗽:首发症状。初起咳嗽呈间歇性,早晨较重,后早晚或整日均有咳嗽,但夜间咳嗽并不明显。少数病例咳嗽不伴咳痰。少数病例虽有明显气流受限、但无咳嗽症状。 (2)咳痰:咳嗽后通常咳少量黏液性痰,部分患者在清晨较多;合并感染时痰量增多,常有脓性痰。 * (3)气短或呼吸困难: 标志性症状,焦虑不安的主要原因,早期于劳力时出现,后渐加重,日常活动甚至休息时也感气短。 (4)喘息和胸闷: 不是特异性症状。部分患者,特别是重度患者有喘息;胸部紧闷感通常于劳力后发生,与呼吸费力、肋间肌等容性收缩有关。 * This provides a summary of the recommended treatment at each stage of COPD. * The animation begins with the alveolus fully inflated. Over the course of a normal exhalation, the alveolus fully deflates. With inhalation, the alveolus re-inflates. * In COPD, irreversible damage causes the alveolar walls and supports to lose elasticity compared with the normal condition. The airways are partly collapsed and occluded, an effect made worse by reversible cholinergic constriction.1 As a result, deflation is slower, and so the alveolus only partly deflates over the course of an exhalation. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. NHLBI/WHO workshop report. 2001. /workshop/toc.html. Accessed: 14 November 2003. * In the normal state, inhalation is balanced by exhalation. There is no dynamic hyperinflation. * COPD patients suffer from reduced expiratory flow. As a result, the lungs may not fully empty before the next breath begins. This is particularly likely if the patient has to breathe faster as a result of physical activity.1 Because the lungs do not fully empty, they become progressively over inflated with each breath. This process is known as air trapping, which leads to hyperinflation.1 Air trapping reduces the ability of the patient to breathe in, which causes the sensation of breathlessness that typifies the disease. ODonnell DE, Webb K. The etiology of dyspnea during exercise in COPD. Pulmonary and Critical Care Update 14, Lesson 15./downloads/education/online/Vol14_13_18.pdf. Accessed 24 February 2004. * Exacerbations of COPD are a major cause of morbidity, mortality and h



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