
临床研究儿童移位肱骨髁上骨折的三级筛选式治疗 - 《中国骨伤》杂志.pdf

临床研究儿童移位肱骨髁上骨折的三级筛选式治疗 - 《中国骨伤》杂志.pdf

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临床研究儿童移位肱骨髁上骨折的三级筛选式治疗 - 《中国骨伤》杂志

2006 1 19 1 China J Orthop T rauma, Jan. 2006, Vol. 19, No . 1 3 * 肖林科 , 李国庆, 白卫国 ( , 722200) ! : , : 136 89 , 38 42 , 23 ( 10 ) 5 , : 5 1 , 47 , 2 8 10 , 136 , 3~ 48 , 3 , 26 , 19% : , , , ! ; ; ; Screening treatment of displaced supracondylar fracture of humerus in children XIA O L inke, LI Guo qing,BAI Weiguo. Department of Orthop aedics, Shengli osp ital of the Fuf eng, Baoj i 722200, Shanxi, China ABSTRACT Objective:T o enact no rmat ive scheme or the treatment o displaced supr acondylar racture o humerus in children so as to avoid and lessen the complication . Methods:A mong t he 136 patients w ith dis placed supracondylar racture o humeru s, light sw ollen 89 cases w ere treated by manipulativ e reduct ion, ailed cases ( 38 cases) o manipulat ive reductio n and heavy sw o llen 42 cases w ere treated by traction reduction , ailed cases ( 23 cases) o traction reduction and old r acture( 5 cases) w ere tr eated by oper at ive r eduction. T he clini cal results o all the patients w ere analyzed and ev aluated . Results:5 1 cases got success w ith manipulative re duction and 47 cases g ot success w ith traction reduction . 2 8 cases g ot success w ith operative reduction. Failed 10 cases o manipulative reduction g av e up surgical treatment and o ccurred cubitus varus later period . 136 cases w ere ollow ed up rom 3 to 4 8 months, the ractures got healing in 3 months and cubitus varus de ormity had 26 cases. Compartment syndrome, in ection o w ound and pinho le had not been ound in all the patients. Con clusion:T he screening scheme is an ideal therapeutic tool or displaced supracondylar racture o humeru s in children . It can improv e the rate o closed reduct ion, decr ease the rate o operation , avoid and lessen incidence o complication . Key ords Supracondylar racture o h


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