
基于古代医案的肝经血瘀证针灸治法探讨 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

基于古代医案的肝经血瘀证针灸治法探讨 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

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基于古代医案的肝经血瘀证针灸治法探讨 - 国际中医中药杂志

·1028 · 国际中医中药杂志2015年11月第37卷第11期 Int J Trad Chin Med, November 2015, Vol. 37, No.11 ·论著 · 基于古代医案的肝经血瘀证 针灸治法探讨 熊丽辉 叶茜 【摘要】 目的 探讨古籍医案中肝经血瘀证的针灸治疗方法,为其临床应用提供参考。方法 检 索《中华医典》所载针灸治疗肝经血瘀证医案,运用频数分析及领悟式分析方法,对治疗策略及手段进 行研究。结果 共录入医案 231 则,针灸治疗肝经血瘀证主要以单穴治疗为主(47.24% ),其次是多穴位 治疗(32.16% ),单穴主要是太冲(15.96%)、肝俞(11.70%);双穴以阳陵泉配足三里最多,三阴交主要 作为多穴使用。经脉上主要涉及足厥阴肝经(24% )、足太阳膀胱经(20% )。结论 针灸治疗肝经血瘀证 方法有效,单穴和双穴治疗操作简单,可配合临床常用的中药汤剂口服,提高临床疗效。 【关键词】 肝瘀;针灸疗法 Research on the treatment of blood-stasis syndrome of liver meridian with acupuncture based on ancient medical records * * Xiong Lihui , Ye Qian. School of Basic Medicine of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun 130117, China Corresponding author: Xiong Lihui,Email: 269576821@ 【Abstract 】 Objective To discusse the acupuncture treatment of blood-stasis syndrome of liver meridian based on the ancient medical records. Methods Medical records on treatment of blood stasis syndrome of liver meridian were searched in Chinese Medical Classics. Frequency analysis and comprehending analysis were used to study the treatment strategies and methods. Results Among 231 medical records, single acupoint treatment accounts for 47.28%, followed by multi-acupoints treatment accounting for 32.16%. The most used single points are Taichong (15.96%) and Ganshu (11.70%). Yanglingquan point and Zusanli point are used mostly in two-combined acupoints treatment, while Sanyinjiao is mainly used in multi-acupoints treatment. And the liver channel of foot-Jueyin is mainly used in the meridians, accounting for 24%, followed by the bladder meridian of foot-Taiyin. Conclusions The ac


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