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天然气黏度精确计算新模型 - 天然气工业
第36 卷第12 期 集 输 与 加 工 · 113 ·
杨晓鸿 张顺喜 朱薇玲
杨晓鸿等.天然气黏度精确计算新模型. 天然气工业,2016, 36(12): 113-118.
摘 要 天然气黏度是基础而重要的参数,在天然气开采、输送和加工等领域有着重要的理论和应用价值。为了高效、低成本
系式,用大量的实验数据对模型参数进行优化后,给出了天然气黏度随温度和密度的变化曲面图。研究结果表明 :①天然气黏度随
密度以及低密度区域温度的升高而升高;②天然气黏度在高密度区域随温度的升高而降低。新模型精确地预测了9 个天然气样本的
黏度数据,其计算值与 1 539 个处于250 ~450 K 、0.1 ~140.0 MPa 区间的实验数据相比,平均相对偏差不超过 1.9% ;其中,与测
量误差小于0.5% 的793 个实验数据相比,最大相对偏差不超过0.98% 。结论认为,与以前的8 种计算模型相比,新模型具有方法简
关键词 天然气 黏度 新模型 温度 密度 组成 气体分子运动论 相对偏差 精确计算
DOI: 10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2016.12.016
A new model for the accurate calculation of natural gas viscosity
Yang Xiaohong, Zhang Shunxi, Zhu Weiling
(School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, Hubei 430023, China)
NATUR. GAS IND. VOLUME 36, ISSUE 12, pp. 113-118, 12/25/2016. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chinese)
Abstract: Viscosity of natural gas is a basic and important parameter, and it is of theoretical and practical significance in the sectors of
natural gas recovery, transmission and processing. For obtaining the accurate data of viscosity efficiently at a low cost, a new model and
its corresponding functional relation were developed based on the relationship among viscosity, temperature and density derived from
the kinetic theory of gas. After the model parameters were optimized using sufficient experimental data, the diagram showing the vari-
ation of viscosity along with temperature and density was prepared. It is shown that the viscosity increases with the increase of density.
Furthermore, with the increase of temperature, the viscosity increases in low density