
引入地西泮对速眠新ⅱ复合麻醉效果的改进观察 - 中国实验动物学报.doc

引入地西泮对速眠新ⅱ复合麻醉效果的改进观察 - 中国实验动物学报.doc

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引入地西泮对速眠新ⅱ复合麻醉效果的改进观察 - 中国实验动物学报

引入地西泮对速眠新复合氯胺酮麻醉效果的改进观察 曹春艳((,康宁,严笠,胡正云,申志惠,肖苒( (中国医学科学院整形外科医院,北京 100144) [摘要] 目的 改进速眠新单纯与复合麻醉方法的不足,观察引入地西泮对速眠新复合盐酸氯胺酮麻醉效果的影响。方法 成年实验家兔80只,雌雄各半,随机分为A、B、C三组,A组肌肉注射速眠新(0.3mL/kg),B组肌肉注射速眠新复合盐酸氯胺酮混合液(0.3 mL/㎏),C组肌肉注射速眠新复合盐酸氯胺酮混合液(0.3 mL/㎏),并静注地西泮注射液(1.5 mL/㎏),对比三组的麻醉效果、麻醉显效时间、初次麻醉维持时间、总麻醉药用量及总手术时间。结果 C组麻醉显效时间明显短于A、B组﹙P<0.01﹚;初次麻醉维持时间C组长于A、B组﹙P<0.01﹚;总麻醉药用量C组明显少于A、B组﹙P<0.01﹚;C组总的手术时间少于A、B两组﹙P<0.01﹚;C组的麻醉效果优于A、B组﹙P<0.01﹚。结论 采用速眠新、盐酸氯胺酮联合地西泮复合麻醉明显提高了麻醉效果,是适于家兔敏感手术部位及手术时间较长的动物实验的理想麻醉方法。 [关键词] 麻醉;速眠新;氯胺酮;地西泮;兔 [中图分类号] R-332 Experimental Observation of Aesthetic Effects of Introducing Diazepam into Combined Aesthesia of Sumianxin and Ketamine Hydrochloride CAO Chun-Yan, KANG Ning, YAN Li, HU zheng-yun, SHEN Zhi-hui, XIAO Ran (Research Center of Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, PR China) [Abstract] Objective To observe the effectiveness of introducing Diazepam into combined aesthesia of Sumianxin and ketamine hydrochloride. Method A total of 80 rabbits of both genders for operation were randomly divided into A, B and C groups. The A group was injected with Sumianxin intramuscularly (0.3 mL/kg by weight). The B group was injected with Sumianxin and ketamine hydrochloride intramuscularly (0.3 mL/kg by weight). The C group was injected with Diazepam intravenously (1.5 mL/㎏by weight) combined with Sumianxin and ketamine hydrochloride injected intramuscularly (0.3 mL/kg by weight). The aesthetic effects, induction time, anesthesia maintaining time, total anaesthetic dose and operation time were observed, recorded and compared. Result The induction time of the C group was significantly shorter than A and B groups (P0.01). The initial anesthesia maintaining time of the C group was the longest among the three (P0.01) with least total anaesthetic dose (P0.01). The operation time of the C group was the least with best aesthetic effects (P0.01). Conclusion Introducing Diazepam into combined aesthesia of


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