
慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者家庭长期氧疗的临床研究 - 现代生物医学进展.pdf

慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者家庭长期氧疗的临床研究 - 现代生物医学进展.pdf

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慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者家庭长期氧疗的临床研究 - 现代生物医学进展

Progress in Modern Biomedicine 2006 Vol. 6 No. 5 # 32 # X 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者家庭长期氧疗的临床研究 刘 华 王 华 陈艳波 王洪云 ( 广州510080) :探讨家庭长期氧疗(LTOT) 对慢性阻塞性肺疾病( COPD) 患者的疗效: 将 院同期住院病人随机分为 LTOT 组(51 人) , 对照组(52 人) 全部病例在缓解期及治疗后每年测定PaO PaCO FVCFEV HBHCT 的数值及每年住院次数 2 2 1 : ¹ 氧疗后12345 年与氧疗前比较, 低氧血症改善, FEV1 明显提高, HBHCT 明显减少; 每年住院次数减少; ºLTOT 组5 年生存率62.75% , 对照组5 年生存率46. 15% , 差异有显著性(p 0.05) : 合理使用LTOT 对COPD 患者有良好的治疗作用, 可提高患者的5 年生存率 : 家庭长期氧疗; 慢性阻塞性肺疾病; 血气分析;肺功能; 5 年生存率 : R541.5 :A Clinical research on domiciliary long term oxygen therapy for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease LI UHua, WANGHua, CHEN Yan bo, WANG Hong yun Department of internal medicine, the irst Aff iliated hospital, Guangdong University of Pharmacy, Guangzhou 510080, China ABST ACT Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of domiciliary long term oxygen therapy(LTOT) on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) , with 5 year survival rate. Methods: The patients, who were admittedto hospital during the corre sponding period, were randomly divided into LTOT group ( n= 51) and control group(n= 52) . Values of PaO , PaCO , FVC, FEV , HB and 2 2 1 HCT were examined at remission phase or annually after treatment, and admissions to emergency department were recorded. esults: ( 1) The admissions to emergency department, dyspnea, hypoxemia, index of lung function and arterial gas analysiswere greatly improved after LTOT. (2) The 5 year survival rate (62.75%) in LTOT groupwas significantly more than that in control group (46. 15% , p 0.05) . Conclusion: The reasonable use o


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