
温病古籍中治疗风温遣方用药规律的挖掘分析 - 中国中医药图书情报杂志.pdf

温病古籍中治疗风温遣方用药规律的挖掘分析 - 中国中医药图书情报杂志.pdf

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温病古籍中治疗风温遣方用药规律的挖掘分析 - 中国中医药图书情报杂志

2013 年4 月第37 卷第2 期 中国中医药图书情报杂志 • 9• (总97) 温病古籍中治疗风温遣方用药规律的挖掘分析 佟琳,王梓宁,张华敏* 中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所,北京 100700 摘要:目的 分析温病古籍中治疗风温的遣方用药规律,为现代医者诊治该疾病提供参考。方法 选取数据来 源,制定文献筛选标准,运用SPSS 软件对温病古籍的风温方剂、中药进行数理统计和关联规则分析。结果 22 种 温病古籍中治疗风温疾病涉及风温用方 31 首,排在前三位的依次是葳蕤汤(16.95%)、瓜蒌根汤(11.86%)、牛黄丸 (6.78%);涉及风温用药131 种,排除甘草,排在前三位的依次是黄芩(4.85%)、连翘(3.95%)、石膏(3.7%);常见的 风温药对前三名配伍依次是川芎-羌活、石膏-葛根、薄荷-连翘;常见的药物组合是川芎-木香-白薇-羌活、杏仁- 石膏-葛根。结论 川芎-羌活、石膏-葛根、薄荷-连翘、杏仁-石膏配伍具有风温治疗特色;葳蕤汤加减为治疗风温 常用。 关键词:风温;中医古籍;用药规律;数据挖掘;关联规则 Analysis the Laws of Drug-Selecting on Wind-Warm Syndrome by Data Mining of Ancient Books on Warm Diseases Tong Lin, Wang Zining, Zhang Huamin (Information Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Traditional Medicine, Beijing 100700, China) ABSTRACT :Objective The paper aims at analysis the laws of drug-selecting on wind-warm syndrome, to provide reference for TCM doctors treating it. Method First, selecting the data sources and making literature selection criteria, then analysising the formulas and drugs of wind-warm syndrome in TCM ancient books by using the SPSS software. Results Weirui decoction(16.95%), Gualougen decoction(11.86%) and Cow-bezoar bolus(6.78%) were the top 3 formulas of the 31 prescriptions in 22 kinds of ancient books of TCM ;131 Chinese drugs were taken to treat wind-warm syndrome, rounding out the top 3 were Huangqin(4.85%), Lianqiao(3.95%) and Shigao(3.7%) except Gancao; The common top 3 double-drugs compatibility were Chuanxiong-Qianghuo, Shigao-Gegen and Bohe-Lianqiao;The common drug combinations were Chuanxiong-Muxiang-Baiwei-Qianghuo and Xingren-Shigao-Gegen. Conclusion Chuanxiong-Qianghuo, Shigao-Gegen, Bohe-Lianqiao, Xingren-Shigao can treat wind-warm syndrome; Weirui decoction is commonly


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