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生命 - 国立台中教育大学通识教育中心
國立臺中教育大學通識選修課程教學大綱科目名稱 中文 —生命、人性尊嚴與法律 English Lectures of Liberal Arts(Ⅱ)—Life, Human Dignity and Law 領域別( □社會人文領域 □數理科技領域 □藝術陶冶領域(博雅講堂 開課單位 通識教育中心 學 分 2學分 規劃教師 必選修別 選修 授課語言 中文/英文 開課年級 一~三 不計入通識教育學分之學系 核心能力( (道德內省力
□統整創新力 □科技運用力
□公民實踐力 課程目標
To make the students get familiar with legal system and social aspect of Taiwan is surely one of the goals of this course. However, it is also a course concerning the movement of law relating to the rights to birth, life and death, in addition to human right and human dignity in both Taiwan and international society.
課程描述 這門課選擇了對生命的所有權、生育權、墮胎、代理孕母、死亡權、複製人、訂作生命等攸關人類生命、權利與尊嚴等七項議題。平均每個議題上二到三次。每個單元的第一次由我透過幾個台灣的案例出發引導到一些國際案例與議題,並向學生介紹這些議題在我國的法律、文化與社會制度下呈現的樣貌與困境。第二或第三週,則要求學生參與討論,透過分享自己的經驗、想法以及個別國家制度等方式,提供所有學生更為多元的全球思維。
I divide the course into 8 selected topics, i.e. Definition of Life, Organs Transportation, Right to Birth, Wrongful life, Wrongful Birth, Right to Abortion, The Right to Die, Euthanasia, and use 1-3 weeks for each topic. In each topic, I will use the first week to introduce several cases to make students realize the cultural, social and legal tension and controversies involved. Then, the laws/ regulations and cultural and social aspects of Taiwan concerning this topic will be addressed. In the second or third week, students will be invited to share and discuss the law and social aspect of their nations on this topic in a comparative manner to broaden and diverse the views of all participants.
Through these topics, I offer students not merely the general legal concept of life and right, but also an opportunity to deeply self-examine especially on their awareness and respect on the value of their own and others life in the light of human dignity from both Taiwanese and global view points.
授課內容 第一週
課程介紹 - 我國司法體系中之人權與人性尊嚴
Introduction - The Concept of Human Right and Human
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