
自控型供沙漏斗的研制 - 水土保持通报.pdf

自控型供沙漏斗的研制 - 水土保持通报.pdf

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自控型供沙漏斗的研制 - 水土保持通报

21 1 V o l. 21 N o. 1 2001 2 Bulletin of Soil and Wa ter Co nserva tion Feb. , 200 1   张光辉, 卫海燕, 刘宝元 (, 100 87 5)   、, , 90 15. 5% , ; ,; 0~ 1 120 g / s,。 ; ;        1000— 288 ( 2001) 0 1— 0063— 0 3        157 B X S Devel opment of Sel f-controll ed Sediment Feeding Hopper ZHAN G Guang-hui, W EI Hai-yan , L IU Bao-y uan (B eij ing N orm al Un iversity , Beij ing 100 87 5, P RC) Abstract Sediment f eedi ng hopper is an most important t echnique for researches of sediment transport capacit y and soil erosio n m odel bui lding. One self -controlled sediment f eedi ng hopp er w as dev eloped and the st ructure and w orking theory w ere discussed in detailed. The stabilit y and relationshi p betw een running speed and sediment rat e w ere tested. The results indicted th at the kind hopper h ad very high st abili ty and the m axim um relativ e error w as less th an 15. 5% . There is a v ery fi ne linear correlation existing betw een moto r running speed and sedi ment feed- ing rate. Sedim ent feeding rate increased as moto r running speed increasing. The range of sedi ment feeding rat e w as 0~ 1 120 g /s and should be used in the researches of relativ e fields, su ch as sedim ent t ran sport capacity of overland f low . ; ; Keywords soil erosion sediment feeding hopper devel opment    , , ,, ,、


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