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Unit 1 Our birthdays 月 日 我花了 分钟完成 Ⅰ.写也出所缺的月份。 Ⅱ.写出生日日期。 Whose Chinese Dates English Dates 1.Yours: 月 日 2.Your father’s: 月 日 3.Your mother’s: 月 日 4.Your friend’s:① 月 日 5.Your friend’s:② 月 日 6.Your friend’s:③ 月 日 7.Your teacher’s:① 月 日 8.Your teacher’s:② 月 日 Ⅲ.仔细阅读,在日历上标出孩子们的生日。 1.Peter’s birthday is on the second of November. Circle his birthday. 2.Jenny’s birthday is on the 13th of April. Put a square on it. 3.Sally’s birthday is on the 31st of August. Put a star on it. 4.May’s birthday is on the 10th of June. Put a triangle on it. 5.Pat’s birthday is on December 17th. Colour it red. Ⅴ.写出句中所缺的单词。 1.The first month of the year is . 2.The last month of the year is . 3.The month of the year is October. 4.September is the month of the year. 5.The sixth month of the year is . Ⅵ.看图填词。 1. 2. 3. Ⅰ.笑一笑。 Student:If the Dean doesn’t take back what he said, I am going to leave college. Friend:What did he say? Student:He told me to leave the college. 学生:如果系主任不收回他说的话,我就要离开学校。 朋友:他说了什么? 学生:他要我离开学校。 Ⅱ.名言警句: A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。 【静坐凝思】 ?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( ) ? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( ) ? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( ) 本关吸取的教训:


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