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用 李阳疯狂英语三最短文免费下载

《国际口腔肌肉-三最短文》 Muscle:IM The best way to build your international muscle!你的国际肌肉! Raise your confidence!你的冲天信心! Impress others with your English and knowledge! 以流利的英语和渊博的 知识令众人瞩目 Speak and learn about the world at the same time! 畅谈人间万物,知晓时 事风云! IM,有志者不二的选择 ! How to get rid of your shyness!摈弃羞怯心理 How to tell funny jokes! How to improve your manners! 如何掌握社交礼仪 How to imitate great leaders! 如何效仿领袖风采 How to deal with cultural differences! 如何处理文化差异 How to create good life habits! 如何提高生活修养 All in IM!一切尽在IM! You wont hesitate!! You wont stutter! 你将不再吞吞吐吐! You wont ever be at a loss for what to say! 你将不再结结巴巴! You wont have to struggle anymore! 你将不再苦苦挣扎! English will be your automatic reflex! 你将侃侃而谈,流利自然! Blurt out English and blurt out the wisdom of life! 脱口而出英语,脱口而 出生命的智慧 As loudly, as quickly, and as clearly as possible!!最快速!最清晰 ! 李岚清英文申奥陈述 Kims Note:This powerful and touching speech was probably the perfect conclusion to Beijings winning bid. It really proves that China is a key member of the international city and that china is a key member of the international community. Li LanQing delivered this speech in confident English. Its the perfect material for you to practice your English until you have reached the same level of confidence. Do your part to help welcome the world to Beijing by learning the international language! Ladies and gentlemen, many people in the world have a dream, that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing. 女士们,先生们,全世 界很多人都有这样一个梦想,他们希望有朝一日能来 到中国并访问北京。 My countrymen have a very strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing which is a great contribution to the Olympic movement and its history. 我的同胞也有在中国举办一次出色奥 运会的强烈渴望,并将其看作是对奥林匹 克及其历史的一个重大贡献, I therefore hope from the bottom of my heart, that you distinguished IOC members, will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations. 因此我衷心地希望尊敬的奥委会委员们能帮助他们实现这一期 待已久的愿望。 The Chinese sage Confucius says, Isnt it a delight after all to have friends come from afar? 我国先圣孔子说过,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? I


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