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翻译练习 Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory. As philosopher of science Karl Popper has emphasized, a good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation. Each time new experiments are observed to agree with the predictions the theory survives, and our confidence in it is increased; but if ever a new observation is found to disagree, we have to abandon or modify the theory, at least that is what is supposed to happen, but you can always question the competence of the person who carried out the observation. Our picture of the universe 自然科学的理论绝非一成不变,任何一种理论都只是一种假说,永远证明不完,无论被多少次试验结果证明成立,也难保不被以后的试验结果证明不成立。相反,只要有一次试验结果与某理论所预测的结果相悖,就足以证明该理论不成立。从而推翻该理论。 科学哲学家卡尔雷波坡(1902-1994)强调指出:完备的理论最大特点是允许被证明不完备,即允许其预测的结果被实际观测的结果证明不准确,甚至被彻底推翻。一种理论,如果预测的结果与实际观测的结果相吻合,就证明成立,如果与实际观测的结果不相吻合,就证明需要修正甚至摒弃。一般认为,只要这样方是合情合理。但是,进行实际观测的人能力如何?对此亦未尝不可提出质疑。 我们并不可以把它直译为Have you eaten? 由于这种文化上的差异,汉语中围绕着吃饭问题所营造的一系列词语表达法如“吃大锅饭”、“秀色可餐”、“吃闲饭”、“吃香”等,在英语中很难找到对应的表述,只能根据它们的含义用英语民族所熟悉的方式表达为getting equal share regardless of the work done, “beautiful enough to feast one’s eyes, lead an idle life, be very popular 以力求满足不同民族的潜意识与思维定势。 我们并不可以把它直译为Have you eaten? 由于这种文化上的差异,汉语中围绕着吃饭问题所营造的一系列词语表达法如“吃大锅饭”、“秀色可餐”、“吃闲饭”、“吃香”等,在英语中很难找到对应的表述,只能根据它们的含义用英语民族所熟悉的方式表达为getting equal share regardless of the work done, “beautiful enough to feast one’s eyes, lead an idle life, be very popular 以力求满足不同民族的潜意识与思维定势。 英美人称呼别人一般有以下几种方式: (1)formal situation (正式场合),一般用title + surname(头衔+姓氏),如John smith可称作Mr. Smith; (2)Ordinary situation(一般场合),用title + surname or given na


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