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低场磁共振在膝关节侧副韧带损伤中临床应用[摘要] 目的 探讨膝关节侧副韧带损伤在低场MRI中的表现。方法 对经临床关节镜或手术证实的37例共38条损伤的侧副韧带进行回顾性MRI观察分析。结果 38条侧副韧带损伤中,单纯胫侧副韧带28条,单纯腓侧副韧带8条,两侧侧副韧带同时损伤1例2条。Ⅰ级侧副韧带损伤20条,其中胫侧副韧带15条,腓侧副韧带5条;Ⅱ级侧副韧带损伤12条,其中胫侧副韧带10条,腓侧副韧带2条;Ⅲ级侧副韧带损伤6条,其中胫侧副韧带3条,腓侧副韧带1条,双侧副韧带1例2条。并发关节积液21例,前交叉韧带损伤6条,后交叉韧带损伤4条,半月板损伤5个,骨挫伤及骨折2例。韧带损伤MRI表现为连续性中断,断端移位、模糊,局限性或弥漫性肿胀、信号增高。结论 低场MRI能清晰显示膝关节侧副韧带解剖结构、准确诊断侧副韧带损伤及损伤程度、发现多种并发症,是诊断膝关节损伤的理想的非创性检查。 [关键词] 侧副韧带;膝损伤;磁共振成像;低场 [中图分类号] R445.2;R686.5 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)25-121-02 Clinical Application Value of Low Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Collateral Ligament Injuries of Knee Joints XU HonggaoJIN Xiaping Department of Radiology, Affiliated Yuhang Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311100, China [Abstract] Objective To explore low field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of collateral ligament injuries of knee joints. Methods All 38 injured collateral ligaments proved by arthroscopic surgery or classic arthrotomy in 37 patients were studied retrospectively using MRI. Results The tibial collateral ligament injured in 28 cases, the fibular collateral ligament injured in 8 cases and 2 collateral ligaments injured in one knee. In the 38 injured collateral ligaments, Grade Ⅰ collateral ligament injury were found in 20 cases,grade Ⅱ were in 12 cases and grade Ⅲ were in 6 cases. Its complications involved joint effusion in 21 cases, anterior cruciate ligament injury in 6 cases, posterior cruciate ligament injury in 4 cases, meniscal injury in 5 cases and bony contusion and fracture in 2 cases. The MRI findings showed discontinuity and displacement of ligaments, as well as local or diffuse swelling of ligaments with high signal intensity on T2 weighted imaging. Conclusion Low field MRI can clearly demonstrate the structures of knee collateral ligament and accurately make a diagnosis of collateral ligament injury and its complications. It should be used as an ideal noninvasive technique for knee injury. [Key words] Collatera


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