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滨江学院 论文 题 目 院 系 电子工程系 专 业 电子信息工程 学生姓名 金永超 学 号 20112305062 指导教师 朱艳萍 职 称 讲师 二O年 月 日 目 录 1引言 4 指纹图像预处理算法 5 2.1预处理算法概述 5 2.2预处理算法模块分析 5 matlab仿真 7 2.3.1指纹图像的均衡 8 2.3.2发散图像的收敛 8 2.3.3指纹图像的平滑 9 2.3.4指纹图像的二值化 9 2.3.5指纹图像的去噪和细化 9 2.3.6指纹特征点的提取 10 3系统设计 11 .1系统结构框图 11 .2指纹采集模块 11 .3 指纹图像处理模块 12 .5外围控制单片机 13 .6汽车启动模块 14 4系统的软件设计 15 17 5.1系统硬件调试 17 5.2指纹算法评价指标 17 5.3 指纹模块软件测试 18 5.4 运行结果及分析 19 6总结与展望 19 21 致 谢 22 汽车指纹锁的仿真及实现 金永超 南京信息工程大学电子信息工程,南京 210044 关键词:汽车防盗,TFS-D400,STM32F205,指纹识别 mplementation of Car Fingerprint Lock Jin Yongchao College of Electronic Information Engineering Nanjing University of Information Science Technology ,Nanjing 210044 ABSTRACT:The auto safety problem has become a serious social problem. The characteristics of human fingerprints are unique and lifelong, according to this, a made anti-theft system based on the STM32F205 processing chip is designed in this paper. First, matlab is used to verify the effectiveness of the fingerprint identification algorithm, and then the hardware circuit is designed and realized. The high precision optical sensor is to capture fingerprint image. Compared with the fingerprint data library, the input fingerprint image can be processed in STM32F205 and the feedback results will be transmitted to the MCU to finally determine the vehicles start or alarm. This paper introduces principle and control circuit design of fingerprint module, image processing module and single-chip microcomputer in detail. And the specific processing image and the matching method is introduced, The test results show that this system has high fingerprint recognition rate and the design of this system has a certain application value. Key words: Car alarm, TFS-D400, STM32F205, fingerprint identification 1引言 2000年开始,,2014年中国已经成为汽车行业第一市场。随着,汽车盗问题,。已经,、是的。。机械式汽车锁的最大是安全性不足,电子式汽车锁的出现使汽车锁的安全性了很大的提高。随着科技的发展,各式各样的盗车工具和盗车电子式汽车


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