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外研杯写作大赛 篇一:2015外研社杯写作大赛冠军作文 写作丨冠军林远展议论文展示(另附13年冠军点评) 2015-12-23 2015“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛 议论文赛题 Can being positive backfire? Optimism provides a multitude of benefits across many facets of life. Researchers have linked looking on the bright side to everything from improved pain tolerance to increased longevity. There’s nodenying the incredible power an optimistic outlook can have on our health, relationships, and performance. But like much in life, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. There are some cases when an overly optimistic outlook can do more harm than good. Suppose there is an online discussion forum on the topic “Can being positive backfire?” Write a post to the forum, clearly stating your opinion and supporting your ideas with specific reasons and examples. You should write about 800 words. 冬至福袋 亲爱的U粉儿,你对英语写作有什么困惑?欢迎在文末评论区留言,小U会连线本届写作大赛冠军林远展同学为你解答~留言从速! 林远展2015“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛冠军 选手解题思路 拿到题目之后,我足足看了三遍题目中的文本信息。其中,提到了两点:一是being positive;二是being overly positive。我自己的想法就是折中。 然后,开头明确提出自己的观点再以一个详例子和三个短例子对所持观点进行适当佐证。接着回到文本信息中的overly positive,对其提出反对和批评,并选取一个例子进行佐证,证明为什么要反对overly positive。 最后是对整体的总结,明确表达自己对题目 “Can being positive backfire?”的看法。 冠军议论文赏析 注:文章为从系统摘出的原生作品,目的是为了展现出选手三个小时内的写作风貌,可能存在部分拼写错误,仅供学习分享使用。 Emotions are miscellaneous, such as optimism and pessimisism; merriment and sorrow; excitement and despondency;... Human beings are inherently emotional and emotions do play a significant role in our actions and attitudes. We may encounter some personal tragedies or sufferings, but the actions and attitudes we take might differ. For example, being moderately positive means that we can keep a sanguine outlook on our experience; means that we can transmute the negative feelings into a positive attitude towards our frustration; means that we can look the unpleasant matters in a positive light and tackle them with great resilience. Personally, I espouse bing a moderately positive individual. Hellen Keller, who was blind and deaf, became a


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