情商测试题 投稿:石藖藗.doc

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情商测试题 投稿:石藖藗 Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence, 1998 How Emotionally Intelligent Are You测试你的情商? 1. You are on an aeroplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do? 你正在飞机上,突然飞机遇上了强烈气流引起的剧烈颠簸并且开始左右摇晃,你怎么办? m Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to the turbulence.继续阅读你的书籍或杂志,或者看电影,试图不去注意飞机的颠簸。 m Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card.开始警惕紧急情况的发生,密切注意空中小姐并且阅读紧急情况指示卡。 m A little of both a and b. a和b都有一点。 m Not sure – never noticed.不能肯定-没有注意过。 2. You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for work that you have done. What do you do? 你正在参加一个会议,会上一位同事把你做的工作归为自己的成绩,你怎么办? m Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over the ownership of your work.马上并且公开与该同事就你的工作成绩的归属问题发生对抗。 m After the meeting, take the colleague aside and tell her that you would appreciate in the future that she credits you when speaking about your work.在会后把该同事叫到一边并且告诉她如果将来她在谈到你的工作时归功于你的话,你将会感激她。 m Nothing, its not a good idea to embarrass colleagues in public.什么也不 做,在公开场合使同事难堪不是什么好主意。 m After the colleague speaks, publicly thank her for referencing your work and give the group more specific detail about what you were trying to accomplish.在同事发言后,当众感谢她谈到你的工作并且告诉大家更多你正在试图完成的工作的详细情况。 3. You are a customer service representative and have just gotten an extremely angry client on the phone. What do you do? 你是一位客户服务代表,你接到了一个极为愤怒的客户的电话,你怎么做? m Hang up. It doesnt pay to take abuse from anyone.挂断电话,我们没有必 要接受任何人的辱骂。 m Listen to the client and rephrase what you gather he is feeling.倾听客户意 见并且转述你从他的感觉中搜集的信息。 m Explain to the client that he is being unfair, that you are only trying to do your job, and you would appreciate it if he wouldn’t get in the way of this.向客户解释他这样对待你是不公平的,你只是在努力做你的工作,如果他能不妨碍你的工作的话,你将感激他。 m Tell the client you understand how frustrating this must be for him, and offer a specific thi


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