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感恩节英文话剧视频 篇一:感恩节的由来 英语话剧剧本 旁白:这是是英国,有很多的英国人马上要乘坐“五月花”号出发了。 Here is England. There are many locals will be in steamship.罗伯特:我是你们的好朋友朋友罗伯特。我们马上就要 坐“五月花”号离开了。 I#39;m your good friend Robot. we will leave by The Mayflower. 爱丽丝: 大家好,我叫爱丽丝,我特别喜欢吃零食,,我有一个特别勇敢的爸爸,他叫罗伯特, 爸爸,我们大家为什么要坐船离开啊。难道是因为我们混的太差了? Hello everyone. My name is Alice. I’m desperately crazy about snacks. I have a very brave father, his name is Robert. Daddy, why should al of us ship out? 罗伯特: 因为我们在这里会有坏人想要害我们,所以我们得离开这里,去寻找新的家园了,我 们快上船吧 Because There#39;s bad guys here. So we have to get out of here , to find a new home , we should get on board now. 旁白: 大家坐船离开了英国,决定前往北美了,航行中遇到了很大的风暴 These people leave the UK to North America by ship. Unfortunately, they meet a storm during the voyage. 爱丽丝: 额(翻白眼状)不行了,不行了。这个比过山车还夸张,我好怕怕。 这不是关键, 关键是我的零食都被风吹走了,55555!船都要被风吹飞 了,难道我们坐的是传说中的宇宙飞船?太可怕了 It’s more crazy than roller coaster. I’m so scared. But that’s not the point, the point is all of my snacks is blowing away! 555~ The ship is going to be damaged. Is this the legendary spaceship? It’s so amazing! 旁白: 经历了大风暴。航行了很长的时间, 船上的食物都快要被吃光了 After sailing for a period of time, they almost run out of food. 爱丽丝:爸爸,肚子好饿,我能再多吃一点吗? Daddy, I’m so hungry, could I eat some more? 罗伯特:孩子,再坚持一下吧,船上有100多人呢,食物已经不够了,坚持到底, 就是胜利, 加油! Baby , and then stick to it , there are more than 100 people on board , the food is not enough , and persist in the end , is a victory , gas! 爱丽斯:嗯,爸爸,我知道了,我会努力的,小朋友们,借我吃点零食好不好? Hum, daddy, I see, I’ll . Hey guys, could you give me a little snacks? 旁白: 这个时候终于看到了大陆,大家都很开心,都从船上急忙抛了下来 At this time, they finally see the land. Everyone is happy and jump from the ship hurriedly. 爱丽丝:哎,不容易啊。终于可以不用晃了,不然在这样下去,我都要成不倒翁了。(蹭蹭跑 下船,往四处张望) It was really not easy, it calms down finally, or I’ll become a tumbler. 罗伯特:(跺下脚)恩,踩在陆地的感觉真好啊。 It is nice to step on the land 爱丽斯:看,好美的花朵(一人扮花朵状),额,(抬头望)这树也太高了吧。(一人扮大树) 小鸟飞过。野兽吼叫的声音) Look! What lovely flowers! Well, the tree is so high! 罗伯特:这个地方什么都有,就是没有人啊。


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