英语the human touch.ppt

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英语the human touch

真 善 美 Do good to the friend to keep him, to the enemy to gain him. 对朋友行善以留住他,对敌人行善以争取他。 When be treated friendly,remember it; when you treat others ,forget it. 当你被别人善待时,请记住;当你善待别人时,请忘记。 Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive. 与人快乐者,自己也会获得快乐。 * 小组成员: 张剑明 林倩琪 冯肖灏 罗树连 严丽暖 何梦婵 蔡楚芳 meaning Personal social Dairy touch (日常性) Etiquette touch (礼仪性) Friendship Loving family ----(show time) --Harmony mutual help (互助) The problem in touch how to solve ? Understand Forgive thanksgiving 1、what’s the meaning of the human touch ? Human touch 1.日常性人情。源自人性之中最温情的一面,是人与人之间真挚情感的自然流露,也指社会中人们互相关怀鼓励。 2.礼仪性人情。指人与人之间的礼仪交往。 How many kind of human’s love do we have? The most important thing is------ Do you treasure them? friendship 它是一种很美妙的东西,可以让你在失落的时候变得高兴起来…… 多少笑声都是友谊唤起的,多少眼泪都是友谊擦干的…… 友谊不是感情的投资,它不需要股息和分红。 loving 爱是喜欢,爱是给予和奉献情是两人之间的互相吸引和倾慕. 爱情的法则是奉献,爱情的脚步无法阻挡!    Family 亲情是一种微妙的感觉,一丝不经意间的牵挂、惦记。我们的亲人,从不计较,他们对我们付出多少,得到多少。 他们的爱是无私的。 Expend the respect of the aged in 老 吾 老 , one’s family to that of other families; 以 及 人 之 老 , expend the love of the young ones in 幼 吾 幼 , one’s family to that of other families. 以 及 人 之 幼 ——《礼记-大同》 Everyone will love you if you love 爱 人 者 ,人 恒 爱 them, Everyone will respect you if 之; 敬 人 者, 人 恒 you respect them. 敬 之 。 ——孟子 We are in the construction of harmonious society,so the society need everyone contribute our love to others . And this is what can we learn from THE LAST LEAF,now let’s enjoy it … Etiquette touch Different country has its own etiquette habits ,so we have to learn them clearly and understand them. if not


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