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摘 要 冷冲模是冲压加工工艺的装备之一,被广泛地运用在汽车、飞机、电机、仪表以及在国防工业中。冲压工艺具有生产效率高、生产成本低、材料利用率高、能成形复杂零件,适合大批量生产的优点,在某些领域已取代机械加工,并正逐步扩大其工艺范围。因此,冲压技术对发展生产、增强效率、更新产品等方面具有重要的作用。但同时,冲压技术的推广受到投入成本低,模具成本高,不适应中小生产规模的特点。但是总的说来,随着我国经济实力的进一步加强,模具行业,包括冷压模一定会得到更普及地应用 冷冲模的设计包括冲裁模设计、弯曲模设计、拉伸、胀形等模具的设计。冷冲模的设计也用到材料学、机械设计、工程材料、特种加工等方面的知识。因此它是一门综合性很强的学科。 电机碳刷架的加工包括了冲孔、落料、和弯曲的加工。通过对冲孔模、落料模、弯曲模的学习,分析和比较了各加工工艺方案,完成了模具总体的结构分析,进行毛坯尺寸、排样、工序尺寸、冲压压力、压力中心、模具工作部分尺寸等工艺计算。绘制了装配草图并进行零部件初步选用设计,然后确定外形尺寸,选择冲压设备,绘制总的装配图和非标准的零件图。 在冲压模的设计过程中,还必须考虑到模具的成本,因此在进行选材,结构设计时,必须尽量不去设计形状复杂的结构,同时采用镶嵌式代替整体式的结构。针对模具的定位要求高的特点,在零件的设计中必须要有比较高的加工精度要求。总的一句话,必须在有高的模具寿命和满足加工精度要求的基础上,尽量降低模具材料的成本,简化模具的结构,这样才能有利于这个行业在我国的发展。 关键词:冲孔模、落料模、弯曲模、尺寸、冲裁模、装配图 Abstract ? The Cold Stamping Die Design of the Brushless Motor ?Abstract:Cold punching mould that is used extensively among the all kinds die ,including? punching hole mould, blanking die, bending mould, crooked model, conical die etc., The application of the cold punching die is more and more extensive in recent years. It is with low costs that there is the cold punchingly, product quality is steady, can process many kinds of performance , Part of the state. Its application and generallying receive the restriction in life-span of the mould and production safety,etc. at the same time . Author of this text proceed from rationality of the craft, analyse electrical machinery charcoal pastes up the structure of the shelf , Precision characteristic, and the control point in the course of processing, Consider and economize cost confirm electrical machinery charcoal brush blanking that shelf optimizes most process the process fully on the basis of satisfying the machining accuracy; And then pass the processing characteristic familiar with all kinds of moulds and inside structure, Finish the ensemble architecture analysis of the mould ; Author carry on blank size, arrange kind, process size, punching pressure, pressure in the center afterwards, mould work some size,etc. craft calculat


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