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目录 catalog 摘 要 1 引 言 2 第一章 绪论 3 1.1国内外关于铁塔的研究现状 3 1.2本文工作 4 第二章 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电线路杆塔的有限元建模 5 2.1 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电线路杆塔概述 5 2.2 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电线路杆塔有限元模型的建立 5 2.3 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电线路杆塔有限元模型的建立 6 2.4 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的计算载荷 9 2.4.1 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的外载荷简介 9 2.4.2 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电线路杆塔载荷计算 9 2.5 小结 10 3.1 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的静力分析 10 3.2 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的模态分析 12 3.3 小结 18 第四章 1C-SJ1-27m110KV输电铁塔的整体稳定性分析 18 4.1 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的在大风工况下(14N)的风振响应 18 4.1.1 铁塔在大风工况下的分析 21 4.2 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔雪载工况 23 4.3 1C-SJ1-27m110KV铁塔的整体稳定性分析方法 25 4.4 拉线铁塔的简单介绍及想法 26 4.5 小结 27 第五章 有限元分析法及软件的简要介绍 27 5.1 有限元分析法介绍 27 5.2 ANSYS软件介绍 27 结 论 29 参考文献 30 致 谢 33 摘 要 对于现阶段输电铁塔测试开销昂贵、试验前有必要进行对输电铁塔的模拟仿真。输电铁塔作为电力输送的支柱,近年来,随着国民经济的快速增长,电力业发展,。 Abstract According to the real tower test costly, test must be carried out before the simulation problem.Transmission tower as power transmission backbone, in recent years, with the rapid growth of the national economy, the rapid development of electric power industry, to promote the rapid development of transmission line tower industry. Safe and economic operation of the safety and reliability of the tower is directly related to power system. In this paper, the finite element analysis software ANSYS simulation study from the static stability of transmission tower based on experimental data and compared with the tower, to ensure the accuracy of the model, ,the calculation of power tower in the wind load, snow load and seismic action under the impact load caused by the response; the results show that the finite element model can simulate the tower test when the real stress condition, provide the basis for subsequent tower test simulation, the tower type etc.. Key words: ANSYS; power transmission tower; finite element method; Modeling; dynamic behavior;whole stability 引 言 中国的经济建设从改革开放以后呈现百花齐放的蓬勃发展的状态,而作为中国的一项基本工业——电力,其他产业的发展直接。近年来,电力需求大幅增长的,而热,水力和核能发电设备,远离城市,高电压,大容量输电线路的建设中国长期以来一直电力供应的严重不平衡,电网投资的短板已成为制约电力工业健康发展的瓶颈。今后中国将继续在电网建设的大规模投资,


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