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4 6 V o l. 4 l . 6 2009 12 CAA I T ransactions on Inte lligent System s D ec. 2009 do:i 10. 3969/ . issn. 167 3-4785. 2009. 06. 0 11 任孝平, 蔡自兴 ( 中南大学 信息科学与工程学院, 湖南长沙 4 100 83) : . , . , . , , . : ; ; ; : TP242. 6 : A : 167 3-47 85( 2009) 06-0534-04 U sing the Ackerm an principle for kinem atic m odeling of wheeled m obile robots REN X iao-p ing, CA I Z i-x ing ( School o f In fo rm ation Sc ience Eng inee ring, Cen tra l South U n iversity, Chang sha 410083, Ch ina) Abs tract: A pply ing the A ckerm an princip le to kinem atic m ode ling of w heeled m obile robo ts is of vital mi portance for mi proving the perform ance of unm anned autonom ou s veh icles. The k inem atic characteristics o f whee led m obile robots w ere analyzed in th is paper, and a k inem atic m odelw as set up that d id not consider sliding or brak ing. The A ckerm an principle w as then introduced to th is kinem at ic m odel. M athem atica l form ulas w ere proposed for turn ing ang le, steering angle and turn ing radiu s. These accurate ly ref lect the m ovem ent status of the m obile robo t, prov-i ding a theoret ical basis for ana lysis o f future inte lligent vehicles. T he conclu sions w ere validated through a smi ula- t ion. K eyword s: w heeled m ob ile robot; kinem at ics m odel; A ckerm an principle; turning characterist ics [ 2] , . () , [ 1] , , [ 2] . . A ckerm an ,


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