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遂宁自东晋建县始,已历经1660多年,历为郡、州、府、专署和县的治所,有“东川巨邑”、“川中重镇”之称。1985年撤县建市,现辖船山、安居两区和射洪、蓬溪、大英三县,人口380万,幅员面积5325平方公里,是中国西部快速崛起的生态化、景区化、开放型的宜居宜业城市。 It has been more than 1660 years since foundation of Suining County in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Suining is always the seat of local government of prefecture, autonomous prefecture, government office, prefectural commissioners office and county in history, having the name of “Giant City in Dongchuan” and “Important City in Sichuan”. In 1985, the county was removed and city was constructed. Now it governs Chuanshan and Anju Districts and Shehong, Lianxi and Dayind Counties with a population of 3.8 million and an area of 5325 km2, being a livable and developmental city of ecologicalization, scenic spot and open type with a rapid development speed in the western China. 遂宁是著名的中国观音文化之乡,建于唐朝的广德寺为皇家禅林,有“西来第一禅林”之称,建于隋朝的灵泉寺古朴灵秀,寺内泉水色碧味甘,终年不溢不涸,两寺历为观音朝觐圣地。遂宁文人荟萃,贤士辈出,素有“文贤之邦”的美誉。秀美山川孕育了陈子昂、王灼、黄娥、张鹏翮、张问陶等一批英才俊杰,被誉为“中国古代第五大发明”的卓筒井钻井技术和冰糖制作工艺均发源于遂宁。以独特的观音文化、国学文化、巴蜀文化、诗酒文化、绿色生态文化等为主的“五大文化”特色鲜明。遂宁坚持以文化净化心灵,弘扬大慈、大善、大爱精神,连续三届蝉联“中国城市公益慈善七星城市”,是西部唯一获此殊荣的城市。 Suining is the famous home of Avalokitesvara Culture of China. Guangde Temple constructed in Tang Dynasty is royal Buddhist temple, having the name of “the first Buddhist temple in the west”; Lingquan Temple constructed in Sui Dynasty is simple and unsophisticated and delicately beautiful, and color of spring water within the temple is green with a sweet flavor, not spilling and not drying all year around. The two temples are the Holy Land for Avalokitesvara hajj in the history. Scholars are assembled at Suining, and distinguished men appear one after another, and it has the good reputation of “country of culture and the intelligent”. Beautiful hills and waters breed a batch of gifted person, such as Chen Zi’ang, Wang Zhuo, Huang E, Zhang Penghe, and Zhang Wentao etc. Zhuotong Well drilling technology that is praised as “the 5th great invention of ancient China” and sugar candy manufacture process are



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