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食品研究与开发 2017 年 8 月
标准与检测 Food Research And Development 第 38 卷第 15 期
DOI :10.3969/j .issn.1005-6521.2017.15.037
(江苏食品药品职业技术学院,江苏 淮安 223003 )
摘 要 : 建立一种 简单快捷的离子 色谱法测定干笋 中二氧化硫残 留的方法。 样品经浸泡后蒸馏 , 利用 1.5 %的 H O
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溶液将二氧化硫氧化为硫酸根 ,通过 离子 色谱 法测定。结果表 明 :二氧化硫含量在 2.0 μg/mL~32.0 μg/mL 范围内线性
良好 ,相关 系数 r2 为 0.999 ,检 出限为 0.1 mg/kg ,定量限为 0.3 mg/kg ,加标 回收率达到 83.6 %~90.4 %。
关键词 : 离子 色谱 ;干笋 ;二氧化硫
Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Dried Bamboo Shoots by Ion Chromatography
MA Yu-chun
(Jiangsu Food and Pharmaceutical Science College , Huaian 223003 ,Jiangsu , China )
Abstract : A rapid and effective method was established for the determination of sulfur dioxide residue in dried
bamboo shoots by ion chromatography. After the sample being crushed ,sulfur dioxide in the sample was distilled
and oxidized to sulfate by 1.5 % H O , and determined by ion chromatography.The calibration curve was linear
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in the concentrationrange of 2.0 μg/mL-32.0 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The detection limit
was 0.1 mg/kg and the quantitative limit was 0.3 mg/kg ,and the recovery was in the range of 83.6 %-90.4 %.
Key words : ion chromatography ;dried bamboo shoots ;sulfur dioxide
二氧化硫对食 品有漂 白、防腐 的作用 ,广泛应用 于食 品生产加工过程 中 。 但是二氧化硫具