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Figure-Ground Theory & Construal 印睿 HBUT YinRui.2014@ Gestalt Psychology 1912 Max Wertheimer Kurt koffka Wolfgang K?hler 1886-1941 1880-1943 1887-1967 构造主义和行为主义的反叛者 The Definition of Gestalt Psychology The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Gestalt psychology or gestaltism is a theory of mind and brain positing that the operational principle of the brain is holistic and parallel with self-organizing tendencies. The Gestalt effect is the form-generating capability of our senses, particularly with respect to the visual recognitionof figures and whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves. The Theoretical Principles of Gestalt Psychology * Principle of totality 整体原则 The conscious experience must be considered globally (by taking into account all the physical and mental aspects of the individual simutaneously because the nature of the mind demands that each component be considered as part of a system of dynamic) relationships. * Principle of psychophysical isomorphism 心理物理学同型性原则 A correlation exists between conscious experience and cerebral activity. Psycho-physical field Isomorphism 心物场和同型论 心物场— 世界是心物的。经验世界与物理世界不同。观察者知觉现实的观念称为心理场(psychological field)。被知觉的现实称为物理场(physical field)。心理场和物理场不存在一一对应的关系。自我+环境 同型论— 生理历程与意识历程在结构的形式方面完全等同。 大脑皮质区也是按照类似于完形原理而进行活动的,也就是说,人的每一个知觉过程中,人脑内都会产生一种与物理刺激构造精确对应的皮质 “图画”。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *类似原则 类似的部分倾向于被一 起知觉为一组。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *接近原则 在时间或空间上紧密在一 起的部分似乎是相属的, 倾向于被知觉在一起。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *连续原则 我们的知觉有追随一个方向 的倾向,以便把元素联接在 一起,使它们看起来是连续 的,或者向着一个特定的方 向。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *封闭原则 我们的知觉有一种完成不完善图形、填补缺口的倾向。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *简单原则 尽可能地把图形知觉为 完好形式。一个完好的 格式塔是对称的、简单 的和稳定的,不可能再 简单、再整齐的。 Gestalt Laws of Organization *图形和背景 我们倾向于把知觉组