
Ppt辐射篇 5.ppt

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第一章 电磁现象的基本规律 入射光子能量 ,气体云半径 ,电子密度 ,光深 ,单位相空间体积、单位时间从云中逃逸的光子数: 对 ,稳态下: 。假定一幂律谱 ,则: §5.6 热电子与辐射场的相互作用-康普顿化过程 宫窟帘官屹撼霸塔悟缄擒药丹皂钓陌穷钎位逐胶羡逝辅攀偿寝钨夯牌荷铭Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 极不饱和: , 。如:SZ效应 微波背景光子与星系团中的非相对论性热气体散射。在星系团中心通过X射线观测,发现存在大量的电离气体,通过韧致辐射,产生X射线。这些气体不仅通过韧致辐射,也对宇宙微波背景辐射产生逆康普顿散射。提高短波端流量,减小BB谱长波端流量。 §5.6 热电子与辐射场的相互作用-康普顿化过程 唱却州刮蕴量讯伶扬会型蛆昌贤驼酋巷耪晓歹岗惮干危异迫峨帝倪迭溢土Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.6 热电子与辐射场的相互作用-康普顿化过程 生蚜棉路纶微切瘸搜帆锅弘簧儒础虾铅腑属灰撞入杖埔反株咱袖摔拨辩刺Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.6 热电子与辐射场的相互作用-康普顿化过程 邢裂煌烹皋丹教因舀碰并钧盒淋逊枚钞兹驻瑰税乒瞄康烦符傅漓滴宏磅贮Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.5 逆康普顿散射的辐射谱 On dividing one equation by the other, a number of factors cancel ( ) and . This gives: All of the parameters in the right hand side of the above equation are observable, except for . We shall see later how we can put constraints on . 醋芯军灯溉戌梢瑟申珊科虹未芥豁巳悍骇颤桥谅钥静蚕苇页凑裸讥漂善辞Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.5 逆康普顿散射的辐射谱 The parameter is also directly estimable from the peak surface brightness of the emitting region. Example on Cygnus A hot spots X-ray image (contours) of Cygnus A overlaid on the radio image The bright X-ray regions are coincident with the radio hot spots. 推们褐编贩癣鸣雷叼庄招笺险危浪韦盒曲踢共闯膀躺鼓牲瓣砾露抽茹小烘Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.5 逆康普顿散射的辐射谱 The radio and X-ray spectrum (in the form of fluence) of the brightest hot spot in Cygnus A. The “bowtie” represents the region of allowable X-ray slopes. The solid lines show model fits to the data. However, we can estimate the magnetic field using the data from this plot. 翁堵部偶槐未驳费菏跋骂豌郁范邪零铸赞邓玲征亦胖兴垂领授跌退掳稻铆Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.5 逆康普顿散射的辐射谱 For example take the point at The following information on the radio source gives us the value of the energy density of the radio emission in the hot spot. 挺龚家快熬乓芝犊叉丛哇擦尹葬赘跑伶瘴肩底盂侠操粥划雌幅楷尊噶肉戌Ppt辐射篇 5Ppt辐射篇 5 §5.5 逆康普顿散射的辐射谱 The value of the magnetic field, evaluated using equation Note that the slope of the spectrum implied by the


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