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Chapter 2 Fluid flow 流体流动 fluid statics and its application Nature of fluids Density 密度 Incompressible fluid 不可压缩流体 Compressible fluid 可压缩流体 Pressure 压强(压力) Independent of direction Unit SI制:N/m2或Pa, mmHg, mH2O Pg = Pabs – Patm Pv = Patm - Pabs Hydrostatic equilibrium 静力学方程 Chapter3 Fluid-flow phenomena 流体的流动现象 Ideal fluid 理想流体 Has zero viscosity Potential flow has two characteristics: Irrigational flow There is no friction loss Newtonian fluid 牛顿型流体 Laminar and turbulent flow 滞流和湍流 Laminar flow 层流/滞流 fluid flows in parallel straight lines. without lateral mixing ● Re ≤ 2100, flow is laminar flow 滞流 Re ≥ 4000, flow is turbulence 湍流 Laminar and turbulent flow in boundary layers Flow in boundary layers 边界层定义 Chapter 4 basic equations of fluid flow 流体动力学 Mass balance 连续性方程 Mechanical energy balance 柏努力方程 Chap5 Incompressible flow in pipes and channels 流体流动阻力 Velocity distribution in a pipe 流体在圆管内速度分布 Hagen-Poiseuille equation 哈根一泊谡叶公式 Friction from changes in velocity or direction 局部阻力计算 Chapter 6 flow past immersed bodies 非均相物系分离 Terminal velocity Separation equipments Gravity settling processes gravity settling chamber Centrifugal settling processes Filtration discontinuous pressure filters Principles of cake filtration Constant-pressure filtration Filtration equation of constant pressure Continuous filtration Washing filter cakes Chapter8 transportation and metering of fluids Developed head Power requirement power supplied to the pump drive from an external source Suction lift and cavitation no liquid can be drawn when cavitation occurs air bound Suction lift Centrifugal pump theory Characteristic curves; head-capacity relation Centrifugal-pump characteristics System head curve Operating point Operating point change Operation in parallel and in series of centrifugal pump in parallel in series Measurement of


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