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Text comprehension I. C????????II. 1. F;??2. T;??3. F;??4. T;??5. F. III. 1. Paragraph 4: She fled?逃往from Germany to Belgium to escape fascism?法西斯主义; then moved to Paris, surviving the occupation?侵略占领时期by placing German subtitles?字幕on French films. 2. Anne is an independent and honest lady. 3. Paragraph 10: Anne assured her husband that he’d done the right thing. This means she appreciated his decision. 4. Paragraph 8: she could endure difficulties in the hardest time but she couldn’t tolerate her husband’s complaints and feeling sorry for himself.自我难过/自责/自惭形秽. 5. Paragraph 12: She believes in tough love, and doesn’t let him just lie around but forces him to overcome his troubles. IV. 1. But I also made some effort to adjust myself. 2. …because I am sometimes too proud of myself. Structural analysis Chronological account (Paragraph 1—2) – (Paragraph 8) –(Paragraph 14). Flashback (Paragraph 3—4) –(Paragraph 5—7) –(Paragraph 9—10) –(Paragraph 11—13) Chronological account (1—2) –Flashback (3—4) –(5—7)?–Chronological account (8) –Flashback (9—10) –(11—13)?–Chronological account (14). ? Section Four Consolidation Activities Part one. Vocabulary ? I.?Phrase 1. tie the knot = get married 2. given that = if one takes into account that??考虑到,假定 ? 3. then and there = at that time and place, esp. without any delay?当场,当时当地 ? 4. in the midst of = when?在……之中,当……的时候 ? 5. set … apart = distinguish?使分离,区别 ? II. 1. wrapped up;??2. fatal;??3. fluent;??4. has undergone;??5. stretch out;??6. financed;??7. consequences;??8. neighbourhood. ? III.?Word derivation? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1. The principal would be less insistent (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had to pay for them. 2. It’s so depressing (depress) the way no one seems to care what’s happening to this country. 3. I really miss my mother. My only consolation (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged. 4. The progressive Chinese intellectuals in the early day


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