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单词短语听写 Exercise 1 1. is derived from 2. immense 3. accuracy 4. largely 5. recalls 6. texture 7. bring up 8. think about 9. logical 10. could not be forgotten Exercise 2 have indulged in floating Occasionally dutifully once in a while humorous guilt private are sensitive to complex Exercise 3 1. are licensed to 2. assess 3. coordinate 4. in any circumstance 5. inappropriate 6. prime 7. disrupts 8. dramatically 9. graduates 10. be provided by Exercise 4 1. addition 2. psychologist 3. challenges 4. identify 5. linked to 6. an unfamiliar setting 7. Figuring out 8. insight 9. infants 10. caught up with Exercise 5 impact trapped vehicle heroic adopted by unfolded was rescued from circumstances revealed embraced Exercise 6 1. diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的 2. coping with 处理,应付 3. commit vt. 犯罪,做错事;使…承担义务 4. outcome n. 结果,结局;成果 5. scale n. 规模;比例;刻度;天平;数值范围 6. colleagues n. 同事 7. accurate a. 准确的,精确的 8. averages (grade point averages 平均积分) 9. what sets them apart 使…与他人区分开 10. went beyond 超越 Exercise 7 1. survive v. 生存,幸存 2. complicated a. 复杂的 3. offenders n. 罪犯,冒犯者,违法者 4. incurring 根据instead of,推测本空为动名词,incur “招致,引发;蒙受” 5. under the influence of 在……影响之下 6. serving 服刑;如:to serve a term in prison 服有期徒刑;He served eight years in prison. 他坐过八年牢。 7. restore v. 恢复 restore capital punishment 恢复死刑 take an eye for an eye 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 intentionally is insane intentionally adv. 故意地 Isn’t guilty of be guilty of 对…… 感到内疚 Exercise 8 appearance n. 外貌;出现 symbol n. 象征 is being exported directly to apparent a. 显然的,明显的 dependence on 对……的依赖 percentage n. 百分比,比例 convenient a. 方便的 emitted directly from 直接从…… 排放;此处过去分词短语作定语,修饰pollutants,“从我们汽车中直接排放的废气” vehicles n. 车辆;motorized vehicles 机动车辆 critical a. 关键的,重要的 Exercise 9 tongue n. mother tongue 母语 administration n. 管理,行政; spread of 定冠词the后面应是名词,spread 多义词,可作名词、动词和形容词 disadvantaged adj. 贫困的;处于不利地位的 investigate v. 调查;研究 immense adj. 巨大的;无边无际的;非常好的 born int


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