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Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences熏 2017熏 No.2 Total No.91 鉴定 实践 Forensic Practice 弹性客体砍切痕迹的实验研究 谭铁君 (西南政法大学刑事侦察学院 重庆高校刑事科学技术重点实验室,重庆401120 ) 摘 要 目的研究案件现场出现的橡胶、塑料类等高弹性客体的力学性质及其特殊痕迹反映,寻找检验此类客体上 : 砍切痕迹的有效方法。 方法 选取不同种类的工具制作弹性材料砍切痕迹样本,并对痕迹特征进行观测及统计分析。 结果 研究表明:痕迹擦拭沿宽度与工具劈侧厚度和刃口厚度有线性关系,是工具特征的客观反映;砍切断面上的线 条、痕止缘部位的小眼、腱鞘等痕迹能稳定反映刃口特征。 结论 弹性客体与塑性客体的砍切痕迹明显不同,其痕迹特 征反映自有规律,同样具有较高的检验鉴定价值。 关键词 工具痕迹 客体 砍切痕迹 : ; ; 中图分类号: DF793.4 文献标志码:A doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2017.02.010 文章编号: 072- ( ) 1671-2 2017 02-0064-06 Experimental Study on Cutting Marks Left on Elastic Objects TAN Tie-jun (Chongqing Insititutes of Higher Education Key Forensic Science Laboratorg, School of Criminal Investigation , Southwest University of Political Science and Law , Chongqing 401120 , China ) Abstract: Objective To study the mechanical characteristics of highly elastic objects at crime scene , such as rubber and , plastics and find effective method to examine cutting marks on such objects. Method Different types of tools were selected to obtain mark samples by cutting elastic objects. Features of the marks were measured for statistical analysis. Results This study indicated that there is linear relationship between the width of wiping-split edge of mark and the thickness of cutting , ’ , side and the blade of tools which is the objective reflection of tool s features. Marks such as striations on the cutting slice small eyes and joints on the cutting edge are stable features of the blade. Conclusion Cutting marks on elastic objects are different from those on p


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