in charge of和Responsible for两者区别.pdf

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in charge of和Responsible for两者区别

in charge of Responsible for in charge of Responsible for iinn cchhaarrggeeooff和RReessppoonnssiibblleeffoorr两者区别 in charge of 的译法 in charge of: , in charge of: , iinn cchhaarrggee ooff:: 负责,,主管 : : 例句与用法:: 1. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain. 英国财政大臣是负责财政的大臣。 2. Were chipping away at a very dominant competitor where market share means a lot, said Peter Higgins, a Microsoft product manager in charge of Excel. 微软公司(Microsoft)一位主管Excel 的产品经理希金斯说:我们正逐渐地削弱一个首要 的竞争者。在这一行业里市场占有率颇为重要。 3. The butler is in charge of the wine cellar. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。 4. Can you please tell me who is in charge of distribution? 能否告诉我哪能一位是销售部门的主管。 5. He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店. 6. I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。 7. Youre responsible to whoever is in charge of sales. 你要向主管销售的人负责. 8. The woman in charge of the accounts department is an absolute dragon! 会计科那个女科长是个十足的母夜叉! Responsible for 的译法 Responsible for 这一短语既可用于人,又可用于物,在句中通常做定语、状语和表语,意思是“对……负 责”。例如:He should be responsible for the accident.(他应当对这一事故负责。)Responsible for 在科 技英语中十分常见,如都译作“对……负责”,有时则会显得十分牵强,因此要加以引申。常见的译法有以 下三种: “ ……” “ ……” 一、译作““担负…………”” 1. Electric charges, positive and negative, which are responsible for electrical forces, can wipe one another out. 担负电力的正负电荷是能够相互抵消的。 2. Already responsible for many plastics, fibres and synthetic rubber, petrochemicals will play an important role in tomorrows demand for new things. 石油化工产品已经担负起制造多种塑料、人造纤维和合成橡胶的任务,在满足未来对新产品的需求方面仍 将起到重要的作用。 “ ” “ …… ” “ ” “ …… ” 二、译作““引起””、““是引起…………的原因”” 这时的be responsible for 相当于bring about 的意思。 3. There are probably s


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