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2007 3 March 2007 27 3 HENAN RADI IONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Vol. 27 No. 3 (运城市中医医院, 山西 运城 044000) : 益火补土; 温心阳补脾阳; 温肾阳补脾阳 :R242 :A : 1003- 5028(2007) 03- 0019- 02 , , , , , , , ( ) , , , , 1. 2 , , 1 , , 1. 1 , , , , , , , , :2006- 11- 27 , , : 王金成( 1967- ) , 男, 山西运城人, 学士学位, 副主 , 任中医师 , Spleen Yin Theory in TCM 1 2 2 Jing Guiping , Zheng Lisheng , Xue Jinfa ( 1. Postgraduate in Grade 2005, Fujian College of raditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350003; 2. Chinese Medical Hospital of Fuzhou City, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350003) Abstract: Spleen yin is the material base of functional activity of spleen yang. hey cooperate w ith each other and finish the physical function of transportation and transformation, sending up the essential substances and blood control. he physical func tions of spleen yin mainhy embody the following aspects: transportation and transformation, nourishing, formation and inhibi tion of yang heat. herefore, using


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