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教你开口:雅思口语卡片(家人朋友篇) 第一讲 家人朋友 雅思口语卡片重点突破系列讲解 【名师讲解】 Topic card 在口语考试的第二部分出现,一直都是非攻克下来不可的stronghold ,否则就很难 在考试中杀出重围。所以在复习时首先要对常考的卡片和卡片中的题目做到心中有数。知己 知彼才能百战不殆。 今天,我们就请朗阁培训中心的口语主讲老师沙莎,来跟我们一起来梳理一下在 people 这 个话题中常出现的题目种类和考官的出题角度。下面的讲解出现在沙莎老师最 出版的《每 天三小时冲刺雅思口语》一书中。 考题中首先会对于描述主角lead in。介绍一下主角和自己的关系。 ◆ Who is the person? ◆ What is the relationship between you and this person? 描述主角的基本信息在考试中也会有所反映。比如主角的为人、个性、喜好等。 ◆ What is the person like? ◆ What is the person’s personality? ◆ What does the person like or dislike? 沪江网校class.huji 还有这个人的一些身份信息也是考点之一。涉及的面有居住地、年龄和职业。 ◆ Where does the person live? ◆ How old is the person? ◆ What does the person do? 此外 ,《每天三小时冲刺雅思口语》的主编沙莎老师还提醒大家:这个主题下的题目很多都 会对这个主角和考生自己的关系做进一步探讨。比如会问你们之间的相似度,你们共同在一 起的时候会做什么事。 ◆ How you are different from this person? ◆ What does the person usually do? 大家注意最后一个题目可以从三个角度去考虑:在工作中,在生活中以及你们在一起时经常 会做什么。 Describe a Family Member Describe a family member who has influenced you greatly. You should say: Who this person is. What this person is like. How you are like and unlike this person. And Explain why he/she has influenced you greatly. {真题回放} Describe a Family MemberDescribe a family member who has influenced you greatly. You should say: Who this person is. What this person is like. How you are like and unlike this person. 沪江网校class.huji And Explain why he/she has influenced you greatly. {原创范例} The person I am going to describe is my mother, who is not my whole life, but a really big part of it and she is the most influential person who inspires me. {原创范例} My mother is always beautiful to me although she is in her late forties. She has smooth shoulder-length hair and bright smiling eyes in which you can always see love and passion. Despite the fact that she is fairly short, she is strong, both physically and mentally, powerful and caring. She, with all her tradi


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