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赵庄煤矿采矿毕业设计 目录 摘 要 I Abstract I 1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 2 1.1 矿区概述 2 1.2 地质特征 4 1.3 煤层特征 5 2 井田境界和储量 7 2.1 井田境界 7 2.2 储量 7 3 矿井工作制度 设计生产能力及服务年限 9 3.1 矿井工作制度 9 3.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 9 4 井田开拓 10 4.1 井田开拓的基本问题 10 4.2 矿井基本巷道 12 5 准备方式 18 5.1 盘区布置 18 5.2 盘区尺寸及巷道布置 19 5.3 盘区主要设备选型及生产系统 20 6 采煤方法 22 6.1 采煤工艺方式 22 6.2 连续采煤机巷道掘进工艺以及回采率 26 7 井下运输 29 7.1 概述 29 7.2 井下运输 29 8 矿井提升 31 8.1 概述 31 8.2 主副井提升 31 9 矿井通风 32 9.1 通风方式和通风系统 32 9.2 矿井总风量、负压和等积孔的计算 33 9.3 通风设备选择 36 9.4 灾害预防及安全装备 38 10 矿井基本技术经济指标 41 参考文献 44 谢辞 45 摘 要 煤炭工业几乎是所有经济的基础,煤炭工业发展的状况直接影响着其它工业乃至整个世界的发展速度。如何更好地开采和利用煤炭是人们急待解决和思考的问题。目前,各国都在积极研究新的采煤理论,开发新的采煤技术,制造更先进的采煤机械,争取更高效、更安全地把煤炭开采出来,并加以综合利用。 本设计源于现场。在矿上搜集、整理设计资料,听取了矿上有关领导做的介绍。在认真分析矿山原始资料地基础上,查阅了相关手册和国家的政策法规,对矿井开拓系统进行了地下开采设计,这是本次设计的重点和难点。经过方案比较,最终确立了本矿的开拓方式为立井开拓,并对矿井运输、排水、提升等系统进行了设计。 关键字:赵庄煤矿,开拓方式,采煤方法选择 Abstract As the basics of the whole industry, The development of coal mining has a direct affection on other industries, even on the development of the whole world. It is nessesary to resolve and study how to mine and utilize coal better. Now most countries in the world have taken an active part in research and development of new theory, new technology of coal mining and advanced mining machines manufacture, which can get the results of more safe and mor efficient coal mining and utilize it comprehensivly. The design bases on the condition of the mine called Jinggezhuang Coal Mining. All the desing resources are collected from the pit and the leaders′ introduction. After analyse the the original data, the author refers to many design manuals related and rules of law on mine. Furtheremore, the mining development system is designed which is the keystone and the difficulty. Comparing with some accessible projections, a shaft drinking system is found more suitable for the mine. Moreover, the transport system, the drainage system and the haulage system, etc, are all concerned in the design. Keywords: Zhaozhuang Coal Mine ,Development system ,Selection of coal mining methods 1 矿区概述及井田


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