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682 West China Medical Journal, Vol.25, No.4 Apr.20 10  20 10, 25(4) 、、、、 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 朱轼 , 田浩明, 陈世富, 阮蕾 ,刘敏 ,伍悦蕾 ,张静, 秦方 【】 , 、、、、, 3 。, , , 。 。MRI 。, 。, C T 、M RI , , 。 【】 ;; 【】 R584  【】 A Misdiagnosis on One Patient with Repeat Nausea, Vomitus, Hypodynamia, Low Sodium and Kaliopenia ZH U S hi, TIAN Hao-ming , CHE N Shi-f u,R UAN Lei, L I U M in, WU Yue-lei, Z H AN G J ing, QIN Fang .Va culocardiology D ep artment, The F ir t P eop le H op ital of Chengdu, Cheng du, Sichuan 6 10000, P .R .China. 【Abstract】 The patients condition:old male patient with repeat nausea, vomitus, h pod namia, low sodium and kaliopenia.Three times to be in hospital.First, we consider that indapamide resuted low sodium and Kaliopemia, but we discovered that the anterior pituita gland h pofunction.M RI show that empt sella turcica.The reason of empt is not clear,the saddle s ndrome is also a factor of pituitar function before the leaves falling off.The disease w as rare, but with common use of CT, M RI and aging,w e w ill discover man more cases to provide power evidence for diag- nosis and treatment. 【Key words】 Low sodium and kaliopemia;Anterior pituita gland h pofunction;Empt sella turcica 1  18 /min, 130/76 mm Hg, , , , 69 。20 , ,, 。 、2 , 3 d, 2003 2 1 , 、、。 。20 , pH7.503 (7.35 ~7.45), 109.0 mmol/L 140 ~160/80 ~90 mm Hg (1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa), (136.0 ~146.0 mmol/L ), 3.03 mmol/L “”, ,120 ~ ( 3.50 ~ 5.10 mmol/L ), 78.6 mmol/L 140/70 mm Hg, 2 、 (96 ~108.0 mmol/L ), 1.07 mmol/L ,, , 10 , ( 1.04 ~ 1.31 mmol/L ), (Osm )220 ,, , “ mOsm/kg(275.0 ~295.0 mOsm/kg ), 、、”, 、


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