泛读Basic Instinct.ppt

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泛读Basic Instinct

Unit 10 Home Reading;Part 1 (1—3):Leibnitzs opinion(rational thinking could be described with a formula )and the view is being challenged. Part 2 (4—5):Simons idea about desicion( good decision is less about finding the best alternative than about finding one that works). Part 3 (6—18):Heuristics and peoples choices. Part 4 (19—22:Emotions can help us to make desicions,rationality is impulsive.; 本能(instinct) 1 指同一物种所有个体所共同表现出来的不学而能的行为反应。 2 指某一物种生而具有的行为潜能或倾向,行为潜能或倾向所形成的内在作用促发同一种物种的个体表现出不学而能的的同样的行为模式。 3 指某一物种的个体在其生命中的某阶段所表现的某种特殊的行为模式 4 指促使人类某种行为但不为当事人所知的内在力量这是精神分析创始人弗洛伊德的独特看法。; 有限理性 就是人的行为“即是有意识地理性的,但这种理性又是有限的”。一是环境是复杂的,在非个人交换形式中,人们面临的是一个复杂的、不确定的世界,而且交易越多,不确定性就越大,信息也就越不完全;二是人对环境的计算能力和认识能力是有限的,人不可能无所不知。 ;启发法(heuristics,又译作:策略法、助发现法、启发力) 心理学上“启发法”指用于解释人们如何进行决策、调整和解决问题的简单有效的概测规则,通常用以处理复合的问题和不完全的信息。 这个规则在大部分情形下有效,但是在特定的情形下可能导致系统性的认知偏差。启发法不能保证问题解决的成功,但这种方法比较省力。;all rational thinking could be described with a formula. He imagined that by inventing an alphabet of human thought - a system of characters for irreducible concepts - and then combining these in a calculus of reasoning, mathematicians would be able to solve all scientific and moral matters.;Simon coined the term bounded rationality. He pointed out that the way any animal thinks depends on its cognitive limitations and the environment in which it lives. Berlin researchers point out that our minds, like our bodies, have been shaped by evolution. Although they apply to different sorts of problems, heuristics have a common structure, which arises from the way humans make decisions.;Take The Best, on the other hand, works well in situations where experience leads us to believe that we know which cues are most important. researchers compared Minimalist and Take The Best with two conventional analytical tools that use all available information - multiple regression and a simplified regression known as Dawess rule. ;How do you know when to stop looking and


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