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轻型车鼓式后制动器设计毕业论文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 第1章 鼓式制动器结构形式及选择 1 1.1鼓式制动器的形式结构 1 1.2 鼓式制动器按蹄的属性分类 2 1.2.1 领从蹄式制动器 2 1.2.2 双领蹄式制动器 6 1.2.3 双向双领蹄式制动器 7 1.2.4 单向増力式制动器 9 1.2.5 双向増力式制动器 9 第2章 制动系的主要参数及其选择 13 2.1 制动力与制动力分配系数 13 2.2 同步附着系数 18 2.3制动器最大制动力矩 20 2.4 鼓式制动器的结构参数与摩擦系数 21 2.4.1 制动鼓内径D 22 2.4.2 摩擦衬片宽度b和包角β 22 2.4.3 摩擦衬片起始角 24 2.4.4 制动器中心到张开力P作用线的距离a 24 2.4.5 制动蹄支承点位置坐标k和c 24 2.4.6 衬片摩擦系数f 24 第3章 制动器的设计计算 25 3.1浮式领—从蹄制动器(平行支座面) 制动器因素计算 25 3.2制动驱动机构的设计计算 27 3.2.1所需制动力计算 27 3.2.2制动踏板力验算 28 3.2.3 确定制动轮缸直径 29 3.2.4轮缸的工作容积 29 3.2.5 制动器所能产生的制动力计算 30 3.3制动蹄片上的制动力矩 31 3.4制动蹄上的压力分布规律 35 3.5 摩擦衬片的磨损特性计算 37 3.6 制动器的热容量和温升的核算 40 3.7行车制动效能计算 41 3.8 驻车制动的计算 42 第4章 制动器主要零件的结构设计 45 4.1制动鼓 45 4.2 制动蹄 46 4.3 制动底板 46 4.4 制动蹄的支承 47 4.5 制动轮缸 47 4.6 摩擦材料 47 4.7 制动器间隙 48 结 论 50 致 谢 51 参考文献 52 附 录 1 53 附 录 2 54 摘 要 鼓式制动也叫块式制动现在鼓式制动器的主流是内张式,它的位于制动轮内侧,刹车时制动块向外张开,摩擦制动轮的内侧,达到刹车的目的。 鼓式制动器Drum brake, also known as block-type brake, drum brakes, now within the mainstream style sheets, and its brake shoes located inside the brake wheel, brake brake blocks out when open, the inside wheel friction brake, to achieve the purpose of the brakes. In the vehicle braking system has a very important role, failure will result in disaster if serious consequences. The main parts of the braking system is the brake, in the modern car is still widely used in high performance brake shoe - brake drum. The design of the friction drum brakes were related to the design and calculation. In the design process, based on the actual product, according to our current brake factory general new product development process, and theoretical design requirements, the first model of the vehicle according to the given parameter and the technical requirements, determine the brake structure and, brake main parameters, and then calculate the braking torque brake, brake shoes on the pressure distribution, deformation shoe, brake effectiveness factor, braking deceleration, wear characteristics, brake temperature, etc., and in this brake on the


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