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摘 要 随着汽车行业的不断发展,汽车检测技术应运而生,汽车行业发展的早期时代,汽车检测大部分靠有专业经验的汽车工作人员采用用眼观察、用手触摸的形式进行。因此,在生活实践中,出现了一些检测仪器由于技术规范化的欠缺导致检测结果无科学性及准确性的现象。所以,笔者认为,在不断提高检测技术水平与硬件相结合的技术的同时,更应着眼于汽车检测技术基础性理论研究。本文将以保障机动车的安全为出发点,详Abstract Vehicle detection technology is accompanied by the development of automobile and detecting car early in the development of the automobile is mainly experienced professionals through seeing ear touch,with modern science and technology progress using various advanced instruments and equipment safety rapid quasi accurately on the car for inspection without disassembly. With the development of our country, the development of automobile testing technology has also experienced a gradual process, the development of Chinas auto detection technology is very broad prospects. China and foreign advanced level there is a big gap between the need to further develop. In the development of automobile detection technology,it is generally attached importance to the development of hardware technology,ignoring the difficulty of large investment and social benefits of the detection method is not obvious,and the detection method of various testing instruments and equipment technical conditions and measurement verification regulations and other basic technology research. In the view of the lack of scientific and accuracy,the detection method and the hardware and software of the system should be carried out in the paper. All at the same time,by a large CC as an example,the column for the auto testing technology in the engine failure concrete shall be used. Key words Engine; malfunction; Volkswagen CC 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 2 1.3 研究内容及方法 2 1.4 国内外汽车发动机故障检测概况 2 1.4.1国外汽车发动机故障检测概况 2 1.4.2 国内汽车发动机故障检测概况 5 2 大众CC发动机主要参数 7 2.1 大众CC的主体结构 7 2.2 大众CC发动机主要参数 8 2.3 本章小结 9 3 大众CC轿车发动机故障诊断分析 9 3.1 CC轿车发动机故障诊断及排除 10 3.1.1发动机不能启动或者启动困难 10 3.1.2汽车怠速不稳、易熄火 11 3.1.3 汽车发动机动力不足故障诊断及排除 11 3.2 汽车点火系的常见故障特点及排除 12 3.2.1汽车故障分类 12 3.2.2汽车点火错乱故障检测与排除 12 3.2.3汽车高压无火检测与排除 13 3.3



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