牛津英语9B Unit4重点短语.ppt

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牛津英语9B Unit4重点短语

46.被卷入…. be involved in… 47.在另一边 on the other side 48.小量的(修不可数名词) a small amount of …. 49.大量的(修不可数名词) a large/big amount of …. 50.据说…… It is said that…. 51.听说……. hear of = hear about 52.离开(某地)去印度 leave… for India 53. 镭的发现 the discovery of radium 54. 她父亲的突然去世 the sudden death of her father 55. 献身于关爱穷人 devote her life to caring for the poor 56. 获奖/被授予……奖 be awarded 57. 因……被记住 be remembered for 58. 自由勋章 Medal of Freedom 牛津英语9B单元复习课件 Unit 4 知识点 1. 在月球上行走的第一人 the first man to walk on the moon 2.摇滚乐之王 the king of rock and roll 3. 使功夫在西方流行 make kung fu popular in the west 4.花费一生关爱穷人 spend one’s life caring for the poor 5. 发现新大陆/美洲 discover America 6. 世界杯 the World Cup 7. 有史以来最伟大的人 the greatest person that has ever lived 8. 因......而出名 be famous for… = be well-known for… 9. 做、当......而出名 be famous as… = be well-known as… 10. 听说 hear of 收到某人的来信 hear from sb 11.某人第一次坐飞机 take one’s first flight 12. 在…….岁时 at the age of …… 12. 上飞行课;接受飞行训练 take flying lessons 13.学生飞行员执照 student pilot’s licence 14. 汽车驾照 driving licence 15. 担当, 充当…… work as… 16. 选中某人做某事 select sb to do sth 17. 某人被选中去做某事 sb. be selected to do sth =choose sb to do sth =sb. be chosen d to do sth 18. 设法完成做某事 manage to do sth 19. 第一次 for the first time 20.失去控制 out of control 21. 宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及 better (to be ) safe than sorry 22. 缩短飞行 cut the flight short 23.名言 famous words 23. 这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步 One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind 24. 为了作进一步的研究 for further research 25.警告某人不要靠近 warn sb. to stay away 26. 他是一个让全世界人意识到太空探险是真正可能的人。 He is the person who made people around the world realize that space exploration was truly possible. 27 .全世界 all over the world = around the world = throughout the world 28. 是全世界的骄傲 be the pride of the whole world 28. 捷足先登 the early bird catches the worm 29. 人多力量大 many hands make light work 30. 倾盆大雨 raining cats and dogs 31. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王 when the cat’s away, the mice will play 32. 人多手杂反误事 too many cooks spoil the broth 33. 人人皆有得意事 every dog has its day 34. 切勿孤注一掷 don’t pu


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