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Back to the past Teacher: Wendy * Note 1 When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was Alexander the Great’s influence. 主从复合句 时间状语从句 宾语从句 宾语从句 当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研究人员解释说,这无疑是亚历山大大帝影响所致。 亚历山大大帝 (公元前356年 —— 公元前323年)是古希腊著名军事家和政治家。他四处征战,建立了一个疆域辽阔的大帝国,客观上推动了东西方的文化交流。 Note 2 In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42,000 men, into the Middle East and then Egypt, defeating every army that stood in his path. 伴随状语 定语从句 stand in one’s path 妨碍;阻拦 stand in one’s way 公元前334年,他率领当时已达4万2千人的军队进入中东,接着是埃及,兵锋所至,所向披靡。 Note 3 The he turned his eye east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went. 主从复合句 伴随状语 地点状语从句 然后,他又将目光转向东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,攻无不克,战无不胜。 Note 4 Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering the great question of life, such as “why are we here?” and “what is truth?” think of … as… 认为;看作是 I have always thought of Peter as a great scholar. 哲学可悲认为是观察我们周围世界的一种方式,或是解答人生重大问题的一种方式,如“我们为什么会在这里?”以及“什么是真理?” Note 5 Finally, some people had had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people of Athens. have had enough of… 受够了…… take sb. to court for doing sth… 因某人做了某事而将其告上法庭 最后,一些人对他忍无可忍,于是便把他送上了法庭,罪名是质疑希腊众神的存在和腐蚀雅典的年轻人。 *


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