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兰花市场调查与野生资源保护策略的探讨 —贵州省都匀市和六盘水市兰花市场调查为例 陆小红 (黔南民族师范学院生命科学系 贵州都匀558000) 摘要:对六盘水市和都匀市上市野生兰花资源调查,了解市场兰花现状,通过分析,希望找出一定的方法来保护野生兰花资源。用表格设计、市场调查、统计分析等来完成探讨过程。结果表明市场兰花资源采挖严重,资源枯竭,有的区域已变成无兰区。保护兰花并不意味着禁止采挖和交易,而是反对盲目的、掠夺式的采挖,兰花作为一种资源,允许在市场上交易,但怎样才能使好的兰花品种和珍奇品种上市交易,又使其于的无价值或低价值的兰花不被破坏,保护种质资源不会绝种。兰花破坏的根源在于市场,经市场调查,希望政府等有关部门通过市场调控机制遏制市场源头,堵住无价值或低价值的兰花上市,最终使上市兰花资源的破坏达到最低限度。 关键词:中国兰花;市场调查;野生资源;保护策略;贵州省 Orchid market survey and wild resources conservation strategy discussion —For example, Duyun and the Liupanshui cities of The Guizhou Province orchid market survey Xiaohong Lu (Department of Life science, Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities,Duyun 55800,Guizhou) Abstract: Investigated the wild orchid resources on the market of Liupanshui and Duyun cities, understood that the orchid present situation on the market, through the statistical analysis, in the hope of discovering certain ways and means to protect the wild orchid. Through the form design, the market survey and the statistical analysis to complete the investigation process. The outcome is the market orchid resources was excavated seriously, and the resources was exhaustion , some regions had become to the unorchid area. To protecte orchid does not mean that forbids to excavate and to trade, but that opposite to excavate blind and plundering-like. As one resources, it was allowed to trade in the market, but how to cause the good orchid variety and the precious variety going on the market transaction, causes it not to excavate seriously, protects the idioplasm resources not to be able to become extinct, also causes it in insignificant or the low values orchid is not excavated. The orchid destroys the root lies in the market, after the market survey, hoped that the government and so on Department concerned shuts off the market source through the market regulation mechanism, stops up insignificant or low value orchid going on the market, enables the going on the market orchid resources the destruction


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