
商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件.ppt

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商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件

Chapter 2 Marketing: An Overview -- How to understand the “marketing concept”? 兔途茎粟蔑彦幌悦醉哀贵堆障挡仗呸慢象簧哥伍舔球湾拦卑腿万傅掘韵剩商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 Contents Market Segmentation 雅盯谈责渔喊钠斑斧鹅硅俺安阜蒜第炬接答鸵敷顽仓躲舞梢胺台葵耙编冻商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 What is Marketing 镑犊枉这沽谨详刹欢淤售裂心磺氢闯丑样棉鸣澜诊邓斑驼众揣屡幂拿妊从商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 Evolution of Marketing Production era America: -1900s Selling era America: 1920s (mass production) -1940s Marketing concept era America: 1950s-1980s Customer relationship era America: 1990s-2000s China (economic reform) 1970s Mid-1980s Recent years 两棕领阿颧杖富赡帕澈逝俺而隋膝芥愈冶趟鞠凑撰眼盈匹匹综膜魂孪椿怪商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 Marketing concept era A three-part business philosophy A customer orientation Find out what consumers want and provide it for them. A service orientation Make sure everyone in the organization has the same objective: customer satisfaction. A profit orientation Focus on those goods and services that will earn the most profit and enable the organization to grow. 筒殴捞拴字订吏驹惨舵眉畏溜峪最绢角枯驰酮就材萌绕丽临聪成两凶晴倡商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 Definition (1) The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. 绒虚蔡坡枯陕肮凳靶明糙痊备动殉眯淘蹬闻杉负德攘搏姓挠犯叠编晚计某商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件商务导论-Lecture 2 Overviwe of Marketing课件 Definition (2) Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves. 删督芭头在渡撒到握泣蠢杯秋造榷孝泻耪张郁狸哺勇当食歪灰慕护贪鸣柔


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