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国际贸易Chapter 5 tariff课件
Chapter 5 Tariffs ;中国关于关税减让的承诺;愉漂彰耗雀恐姿柒侗腰商桔姜蕾垫葛招涝后孜苞溶折重佰角筛秩盔蓄诌隔国际贸易Chapter 5 tariff课件国际贸易Chapter 5 tariff课件;5.1 Types of Tariffs ;1. By the method of imposing a tariff;Specific Duty ;Ad Valorem Tariff;Mixed or Compound Tariff;Alternative Tariff;Selected US tariffs;2. By the different tariff rates applied;(1) Preferential Duties;(2) Duties under Generalized System of Preferences (GSP);Three Principles of GSP Program;(3) Most-favored-nation (MFN) duties;(4) General Duties;3. By special purposes;Countervailing Duties;Definition of Subsidy ;Three Categories of Subsidies;Anti-dumping Duties;Determination of Normal Value;美国负责反倾销法规的两大机构;反倾销程序(以美国为例);4. By the degree of protection and effectiveness of the tariff;The formula of the effective tariff rate;作业;Exercise;Exercise ;Nominal effective tariff rates;1992和1996我国关税的保护结构;5. By the flow of commodities;5.2 Tariff Welfare Effects;Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus;Consumer and producer surplus;Tariff trade and welfare effects: Small-nation Model;Tariff Welfare Effect: Small-nation Model;Tariff trade and welfare effects: Small-nation Model;;Tariff Welfare Effect: Large-nation Model;Tariff Welfare Effect: Large-nation Model;Large-Nation Model;Exercise:;a. Determine Australia’s market equilibrium.
(1)What are the equilibrium price and quantity?
(2)Calculate the value of Australia consumer and producer surplus.
b. Under free-trade conditions, suppose Australia imports TVs at a price of $100 each.
(1)How many TVs will be produced, consumed and imported?
(2) Calculate the dollar value of Australian consumer and producer surplus.
;c. To protect its producers from foreign competition, suppose Australia government levies a specific tariff of $100 on TV imports.
(1) Determine the effects of the tariff on the price in Australia, the quantity of TVs supplied by Australian producers, the quantity of TVs demanded by Australian consumers, and the volume of trade.
(2) Calculate the reduction in Australian consumer s
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