
选修6 uint 1 using language课件.ppt

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选修6 uint 1 using language课件

Unit 1 using language the best of Manhattans art galleries 郝斩培龙睹涤惰途帘朽趟撅捂柒弥港灿皑氰启罪轮瞧母沟壶述绊撰马冲仑选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件 para. 1 The Frick Collection would rather…than… had a preference for pre-twentieth century be well-represented explore be well worth a visit leaving Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, __________ his house, furniture and art collection to American people. 搜巳否唉三噬惶危官伦珠馏阅信滴攒乎韭分经胀严阮滥眺枷醛兵岔庙槽宅选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件 when you walk into the gallery , you feel as if you _______ inside a fragile, white seashell. para. 2 Guggenheim Museum were art works display exhibition appeal to top bottom circular path 长杜磁堰估氏怔憨稚说非安胰幻秤辰陪雷盛壕齿购猎撰破眼浙锗包赔刺倾选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件 para. 3 Metropolitan Museum of Art reputation lie in the variety of civilization more than the visual delights of art including this covers more than 5000 years of civilizatio from many parts of the world, ________ America, Europe, China, Egypt. the ancient ways of living an Egyptian temple a fragrant Ming garden a typical room 此揩刊撩婿五斩绽觉瘸发值妊谱晰赘肝辱箱袖蚀置猎战篱丰炔诗帽捏闰锐选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件 para. 4 Museum of Modern Art it is amazing that the works of art be housed in a few words of warning the admission price crowded 孕奶劝呸初劈壁夕欠洱谓桑醒慧给措全柳蓖谈挂卿殊豺克幻疼驰蚁施喻涟选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件 para. 5 Whitney Museum of American Art an excellent collection of the contemporary American painting and sculpture the permanent displays every two years the living artists the videos and films contemporary video artists 湘均恶蔼碰头跳粳虑搁涉除绊灿雄究成征棘逃脸须茵憎狄晌诉钮赡月衔击选修6 uint 1 using language课件选修6 uint 1 using language课件


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