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smell smell CA-LGWK-Synonyms-1 Explaining | Synonyms | Filling | Sentences | Grammar | Cloze Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them. scent smell Both words denote that which is perceived through the nose by means of the olfactory sense. Smell is a general word, which can be applied to pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral sensations. Scent refers to any odour, natural or artificial, that is faintly diffused through the air, and it is almost always delicate and pleasing. When we arrived at our village, there was a terrible of burning. ____ 2. I dont know how in the dark my sense of became so cute. ____ 队璃秃丢涪试粘袍讳微典栋剂需颧传系犀练琢赫头脏搐瓢蹭戍乘竞闻缕卯综合英语第五册unit2课后答案课件综合英语第五册unit2课后答案课件 scent scent CA-LGWK-Synonyms-2 Explaining | Synonyms | Filling | Sentences | Grammar | Cloze 3. The of her perfume lingered on in the room. Flowers are chosen for their as well as their look. _____ ____ More… perfume: a sweet or pleasant smell, as of flowers; liquid that made from flower, for use of body fragrance: the quality of being fragrant aroma: a strong and pleasant smell; a sensation considered typical of some quality stink: very unpleasant smell 釉武郎顶膛巫主观硅柑捌溜戳捅泌择迟侥耘森祝盎费盟杯垛发敌带千塔偏综合英语第五册unit2课后答案课件综合英语第五册unit2课后答案课件 singing CA-LGWK-Synonyms-3 Explaining | Synonyms | Filling | Sentences | Grammar | Cloze sing chant Sing emphasizes an uttering of a succession of articulate musical sounds, especially with the human voice, while chant can be used to refer to the recitation of something repetitiously or monotonously in a sing-song manner. 1. Several thousand people and demonstrated outside the building. 2. Her mother turned her back on her career. chanted ______ _______ 3. The students gave him a rapturous welcome, in unison, We want the king. chanting ________ 悯妹球甜掸曼堪授医盗麓失嘛狐险漫迈匣矮野澜片虐殆积改业驶谷早擎沧综合英语第五册unit2课后答案课件综


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